Chapter 13

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Being surrounded by darkness; hearing everything that goes on in the outside world, and not being able to do a single thing to communicate really sucks.
My mind floats to wherever it takes me, Being left to your own draining thoughts, that could suck you into insanity.
You hear the outside world, their voices, their conversations; and you are stuck here in the darkness of your mind. Draining.

I try to move, but nothing happens, I try to scream, nothing comes out. Absolutely nothing. Who knows how long I've been trapped. All I want is to wake up, to move, to talk, to do anything. To be free, I don't care if I can never leave Neverland, being trapped in here is like being in your death bed. A thought struck my mind. Am I dead? Is this what being dead feels like? No I can't be dead, I can hear everyone.

I feel a pinch on my arm, the arm that girl cut. I wince but nothing will happen on the outside, I am left expressionless. I hear someone walk in the room, and sit in a chair by the bed. Who's bed am I in? It's quite comfortable actually.

The person speaks up. Milo. "Hey Wendy, I know your sleeping and so you probably will not hear this." Oh I hear it all right. "The girl that wanted to kill you, she's called Anna-Beth, she says she was possessed or being controlled, but I don't know. She's in the cage, she just sits their all day, never speaks unless she has to. Griffin says you should be waking up soon, so that's good cause you've been asleep for a few days now. I have to go, most of us boys are going out to get supplies and to stock up, so for now bye-bye." I hear him leave the tent and I am left alone, it's so comforting to hear a friendly voice.

So this Anna-Beth, I wonder if she's telling the truth. I would like to give her another chance, be forgiving because that's my nature. But it's sort of hard to when she wanted to cut you open and take your heart. When I wake up I will speak to her.

For now I sleep, like my brain sleeps because it's like I am awake but I'm not.


I gasp and shoot forward. Trying to catch my breath I scan my surroundings, I'm in a tent, on a bed. I glance at my arm, it is bandaged up, I look around the room again, a set of drawers, the chair people came and sat in. And then... in a dark corner a figure comes from it into the light. Peter. He has a small smile playing on his lips, "Took you long enough." He says with his smile growing. I let out a relieved smile. Life has come back to me. Finally. "How long was I out?" I ask, my voice hoarse.
"About five days." He says as he sits down in the chair by the bed. This must be his room, it's very cosy. "How... do you feel?" He asks, wow Peter is being sympathetic, that's a change, I think to myself sarcastically.
"Well I feel... fine." I answer not knowing how I really do feel. He nods.
"How was it in there?" He asks, I frown in confusion.
"What do you mean?"
"The place where your awake, but your asleep. Where you can hear everything but you can't do anything, how was it?" How does he know? Has he ever been in the same slumber? "Oh... draining, but how do you know that's where I was?"
"Remember how you asked me how I knew about Atlantica?" He pauses, I nod thinking back to when we flew over the clouds... he was so nice, but then he tricked me. "Well, I'm about to explain." He leans forward on his knees.
"Well, one day I went to Mermaid Lagoon, they were nice then. I would talk to them often, one day one asked if I wanted a scale of theirs- their scales are beautiful, they shine and illuminate beautiful arrays of colours, I wanted a scale so she got one and put her hand out for me to take it. I leant forward, and as I was taking the scale from her hand she gripped me and pulled me under. I tried to get out of her grip, but it was to firm, she dragged me down, I needed air. Then a kingdom was in view, gold and simply magnificent. A bubble was around the kingdom, like a dome. When we entered the dome, I gasped. But water did not fill my lungs instead, air did. They kept pulling me down to their kingdom. Then when they found a place to feast on me they said, 'since your nice Peter, we can either eat you right now like we normally do. Or we can do the other alternative.' I asked what it was and then they didn't answer, the blew some glitter in my face, but it was magic. I don't know what happened after that, all I know is I was in the same place you were just in. Left to your thoughts, hearing everything, the mermaids kept me for a while, they left me in silence. It was draining like you said. Then I just remember waking up in the beach drenched in water, then I went back to camp, told the boys I went for a swim. They were very confused. And that's what happened." I nod taking in his story, but what caught me was the mermaid said he was nice. Is it actually a possibility that he was nice and caring? And why did he lie to the boys and tell me the truth?
"That's enough chit-chat, you need food and water. The boys will be pleased your awake again." He stands up and ushers me out of his room. I walk into the dining room and sit down in a chair. Peter brings me a cup of water and some easy food. He sits in his throne of a chair and fiddles with his dagger in his hands, spinning it round and round through his fingers. Why is Peter caring about my health?

I finish my meal and walk out of the tent with Peter by my side. As soon, as the flap is lifted I feel the sun beams soak into my skin. It's heat radiating through me.
"Wendy!" I snap from my trance and see Milo running from the fire pit over to me.
"Milo!" I yell in return with equal amount as happiness. He warps his arms around me for a hug, I swing my un-injured arm around him embracing the hug. I pull away.
"You wouldn't believe how concerned Peter-" Milo starts but is cut off by Peter.
"I am going to take Wendy on a walk, get back to your wood chopping." He instructs sternly. I wonder what Milo was going to say? Milo nods obediently and wanders back to the fire pit with Peter eyeing him. We start towards the tree line and into the path.
"I'm sure you heard Milo jabber on about Anna-Beth." He says as soon as we are on the path. I nod. "Well, she is either telling us a load of pie or the truth, but for now I want your story." Load of pie? What term is that, I almost chuckle but I suppress it.
"Well I was in the cage-" he cuts me off.
"Before that, have you ever heard of an author called James Barrie?" Why does he want to know about an author. "Yes, but that man he is in his resting place, been so for a long time now... Why?" He frowns clearly confused.
"From your world is there... is there a book called Peter Pan?" I chuckle is he actually serious. "No, never was, never has been."

Hey guys so I know the whole author thing doesn't make sense, but I promise it will soon. :)

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