Chapter 6

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Levi's POV

He let go of my face, chucking, and started walking around the fountain. God fucking dammit I'm going to die after this. Walking faster to catch up with him was a struggle. I'm a small human and he's a giant compared to me.

"I thought you wouldn't catch up," He chuckled looking towards me.

I glared at him and turned my head looking forward. "Oh hush"


"Because it's rude and mean"


Growling at him I started running towards the meadow. I may be small but I am a champion at running. Somewhat. Running up the green hill I stopped in my tracks at the top. It was breathtaking. Another part of the city was on this side.

There's two towns in Maria. The west where I live that has more shops and people and the east were most of the hunters live. It has more farms and land spaced out. It's beautiful in the east but I can't go over there unless I want to die. Farther down the hill was a lake full of people swimming and playing volleyball on the sand.

I felt someone coming up behind me. I know it was Eren due to him being out of breath from running. I turn to look at him, he's beautiful. His eyes are just... I can't explain them in words. Magical? No he's not a unicorn. Unique? Yes, I've never seen someone with beautiful eyes like his.

He must of caught on because he started chuckling. "Yes I know my eyes are two different colors, but I don't know how or why they are. "

"They are just... beautiful, " I say still in my trance switching from eye to eye.

I could tell he got shy from what I said. Turning his head to the side the red rushing up his neck to his ears then face. Now it's my turn to chuckle. He's too cute.

"You do realize they are beautiful, right?" I said standing in front of his crimson face

"I never really thought they were pretty. Everyone in school said they were not normal... that I wasn't normal..." he responded looking down to the ground. Why would someone say that? He's gorgeous.

I touch his cheek, feeling heat radiate from him to my palm, the sparks showing once again. Turning his head to look at me he was now the same shade as a tomato.

"They are beautiful and I love them. Anyway are we all normal? Because not one of us is normal," I smiled slightly. Smiling shyly he takes my wrist and pushes his lips onto mine. Feeling his lips on mine is pure heaven. Staring at him in surprise he lets go of my wrist and places his hands in my waist.

Ok what the fuck? Is this really happening if it is a dream please wake me up. He squeezed my waist slightly and I know it isn't a dream. And with that I close my eyes and start kissing back, his lips are plump and taste like strawberries. They feel amazing and I never want to pull away.

I bring my hands up and grip the side of his head pulling his hair a little. He licks the bottom of my lip to ask to open and I do. No shit. He uses his tongue and explores my mouth. Tasting more of the strawberries. I moan slightly from him ducking in my tongue a little.

Yep. It's official. I'm going to melt.


Hello chicken nuggets. Another update and sorry if it's total ass I kinda spend through writing it and I love this chapter. They finally kiss and I'm melting.

What will happen next?

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{Edited; Words 631}

The Point of No Return (Vampire AU) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now