Chapter 35

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Erens POV

"Well..." I start off. "Niles is my older brother as you may already know, he was next in line for the Alpha position after my dad while I was supposed to just help him stay in check. Kind of like a Beta but not one,

But one night be came home extremely drunk without a purpose or reason, he was covered in blood..."

I look down at Levi to see him looking concerned but intrigued wanting me to keep talking.

"He killed 5 pups and their families that night without hesitating, the reason is still unclear. One pup still survived, his name is Micheal Swift he is now 6 years old, he has nightmares of the night once in a while. He is traumatized because of my brother. He is made fun of because he can't be social, can't trust anyone, he is scared of everything. I'm the only one he can go around because I am the one he's most comfortable with.

Anyway, after that night my father banned him from the pack lands, he was banished from the Alpha role that I am now entitled to. He got sent to a high tech facility made for the supernatural who broke the code. I have no idea how got out, but here he is."

I look up from the ground finding Levi clenching his hands turning them white. Holding a look of concentration, anger, sadness that's how everyone looks after I tell the story. I was only 10 at the time, Niles was 18.

"I still see the bodies covered in blood their body parts mangled and torn up into chunks and pieces. I was the one who found the bodies," I whisper the last part looking forward behind his head to the grey wall.

"W-why?" He asks above a whisper. Looking back down at him he is looking up at me with tears threatening to escape his eyes.

I pull him into a tight embrace not daring to let go. My shoulder slowly gets wet with his tears. Placing my head on his I pull his face away from my shoulder to look into his grey eyes. Using my thumbs I wipe away his tears smiling softly, as well as kissing his nose.

"Why would he do that?" He asks leaning into me.

"I wish I knew, he never told any of us. We don't know how he got drunk, where, and why it happened. It was hard for everyone."

He nods slowly pulling away from me looking at me softly. I kiss his lips softly him returning it instantly. He pulls away then side stepping me towards the door. Grabbing his arm he halts to a stop then looking back at me.

"Are you ok?" I ask looking into his eyes to find any emotions. There's so many I can't put any together.

"I will be once this murder gets off our pack lands," he says sternly pulling his arm from my grip then exiting the room.

New chapter for y'all. Now you have some insight as to what Niels did. He's a dick isn't he.

So I have the next week off I will try to update a lot next week. Also I think I'm going to end the book soon at least with all the drama with Niels. I may or may not do a sequel I'm thinking about it but what do you guys think?

Question of the day: if you could be one thing in the world what would you be?

AOTQ:I would probably be a horse because I love horses, or Satan so I can mess with people constantly.

{Edited; Words 597}

The Point of No Return (Vampire AU) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now