Chapter 16

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Erens POV

After finally coming up with the plan, it was decided that today during class I would ask Kenny to help me and come to the library. It's pretty scary knowing your going to kill someone. But if it's for the one person I love then I would die to save them and make them happy.

I just hope everything goes to plan


It's the last class for today and Kenny is surprisingly here to teach. He's talking about werewolves and how they are real because he's seen one.

Now that I am actually looking at him he looks terrible, ugly, and overall an asshole. Why would he hurt someone like Levi? It just doesn't make scenes.

And how are the related? Levi's the most beautiful person I've ever seen, he's beyond beautiful and I mean, he's fucking eye candy. Where as Kenny is a old hag with bad breath.

The final bell rings and everyone is rushing out of class since it's Friday and people party like animals here. Slowly walking down to the front Kenny is putting some books in his suitcase.

"Mr.Ackerman I'm having some trouble on the assignment you assigned Wednesday. I was wondering if you could help me after class?" I ask trying to sound convincing. He looked up with a toothy grin.

"Of course. I just have to sign some paperwork. Should we meet somewhere?" He asked leaning on his desk.

"What about the Library Rose?"

"Sounds good I'll see you around 4:30ish. I gotta go know," He stated, walking swiftly passed me towards the door.

"Ok, see you then," I say pulling out my phone to call Levi. After a couple rings he picks up.

"4:30," I said, smirking "Let's kill a bitch"

Levi's POV

Today's the day that we kill and I'm happy as fuck. I've been wanting to kill him since I've first met him. He may have raised me but he's a bastard who killed the only family I've known.

Erwin, Hanji, and me are in the back of the library going over the plan and waiting for Eren to give us the call that Kenny is coming. Right at the moment my phone goes, walking away from the two who were in a deep conversation.

Answering the phone I wait for him to say something.

"4:30... Lets kill a bitch" He said knowing he had a smirk on his face.

"Ok I'll tell the others. Hurry back here," I said before hanging up. Walking back to the bickering idiots they were arguing about chicken for some reason.

"That was Eren, he said Kenny will come around 4:30. So we have 30 minutes, " I stated stoping there previous conversation. "Is there anything else we need to go over?"

"No, I don't think so," Erwin said grinning like a mad man. Hanji smirking twirling two guns in her hand. Why am I friends with these two psychos? Oh ya, because I'm one of them.

20 minutes later the bells ring from the front alerting us. After a few seconds Eren walks into the back holding a big ass knife. Why does he need a knife? He's a god damm werewolf.

"You all look like you've seen a ghost," He said, looking between all of us. I chuckle walking up to him and clinging to him. Now that I know he's bound to me forever I never want to let him go. So once all this shit is over and done with we're all going to live in peace.

Eren hugs back, nuzzling his head in my neck and inhaling. He relaxes against me making me smile slightly. He's such an idiot but I love him. I squeeze him tighter never wanting to let him go.

We break apart at the sound of the bells at the front. I stare intensely, getting a smell of who it is. Kenny. Turning toward Erwin who had rage written on his face along with Hanji. Hearing a growl I turn towards Eren. His eyes have turned that jade Erwin was talking about. There just stunning.

Grabbing the sword that once almost killed me brining it up to my face and twirling it. Smirking I look at Erwin and Hanji who had there fangs drawn then at my boyfriend who was in his wolf form. He was the same color as his hair, and fucking huge. Looking back at the sword stained from my blood, this is going to be so much fun.

"Well, who's ready to kill a bastard?" I ask still looking at my sword. "This will be so much fun"


I'm so sorry for not updating In a long ass time. I just didn't have any inspiration and just overall didn't feel like it. But here's the new chapter. Hope you enjoyed

{Edited; Words 810}

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