Chapter 30

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Erens POV
Italic is them talking to each other with there minds.

Why was he here after so long? After so long? He's not aloud in the city. How did he even get in the city when there are guards in front of the gate?

"What? Why are you here?" I asked my wolf rising to the edge.

"I'm here to meet your dear mate," He looked around the room. His eyes stopped to Levi as he grinned devishly. "I'm also here to take my place as Alpha baby brother"

"You know you lost your chance, you're the one who did this on yourself," I stated angrily.

"We all make mistakes, I just made a really big one," He walked closer towards Levi who was staring at me and him with so much confusion.

"If you step one more time towards him I will end you here and now!" I yelled at him through clenched teeth.

"Oops sorry baby bro," He threw his hands up in innocence. "He is quite cute though, I always knew you would get a cutie"

Levi blushed softly while looking down. I walk over to Levi and grab his wrist pulling him towards my chest.
Are you ok?
Who are you?
It's me Eren
Why are you in my head?
It happens when we bond together
Oh, ok
Are you ok?
I guess, but who is that?
My brother
You have a brother?

"Are you guys talking about me?" Nile asks smirking towards us. Rolling my eyes I push Levi behind me.

"You need to leave, now!" I yelled at him making the walls shake. He chuckled shaking his head while crossing his arms.

"I never asked for your permission dumbass," He said with a cocky grin.

Dad guess who decided to show up
Eren? I heard the voice of my dad in my head
Yea it's me
Oh, hi
Hi, we kind of have a problem here
What's wrong
Nile came back
I'll get the pack keep him distracted

"Nile, leave," I stepped closer towards him. He crosses his arms while pouting.

"Or what, Daddy is going to come and take me away," He taunted me, smirking at the end.

"I don't know who the fuck you are but you need to leave now," Levi said steeping out from behind me. "Go"

"He speaks," Nile threw his hands up laughing. "Why should I?"

"You don't want to mess with me," Levi stated walking towards Nile slowly. "I've done things only the ancestors could do"

"Show me," Nile squatted down showing he was ready. Oh he has no idea.

" et ego invocabo deum meum sanguinem in..." He started saying in old Latin" me dare C robore.." At that moment the familiar blue and green light appear from his chest.

He looks at Nile smiling softly reaching toward his chest he pulls out the sword he used to kill Kenny. His black hair flying all over the place as the wind stared to pick up. Windows started to shake rapidly, the books flying off the shelves and the doors slamming shut with every gust of wind.

"Nunquam MINORIS AESTIMO mihi quoniam ego sum Dues Raja de vampiris, et ventus" a godly voice said coming from Levi.

Nile stared at Levi with wide eyes shaking badly. He knew what Levi was saying, we all had to learn Latin for rituals. I wonder if it's true? If it's really Raja the god of vampires and wind? Because I would never guess I would fall madly in love with a god.

Nunquam MINORIS AESTIMO mihi quoniam ego sum Dues Raja lamia et terram- never underestimate me for I am Raja god of vampires and wind

Here's the chapter sorry I haven't updated I'm bad at doing everything so I'm really sorry. If any of yo guys heard of inktober I'm doing it on my instagram at sadi_art.13

{Edited;Words 659}

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