Chapter 22

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Levi's POV

Currently we are all at a bakery/ shop called Beastly Boys whatever that means. I see no beast boys here. Well... except for Eren he literally is a beast. Perk of dating a wolf? Eh sure.

Erwin is sitting in front of me still glaring daggers at me. Armin staring between us next to Erwin. Hanji is at the head of the table across from Mikasa who was staring at the menu and Eren sitting next to me.

"Hello y'all welcome to Beastly Boys what can I get you guys to drink?" The waitress said in a country accent.

"I want water," Erwin said. Mikasa and Armin said they wanted water to.

"Coke," I say, Eren and Hanji agreed and she was off to wherever you put in the orders.

"So... why is Erwin glaring at Levi?" Mikasa questioned us looking in between us.

"Well, I was talking to Armin and I said that Captain eyebrows liked him and he denied it so I cut his arm a little and incomes Erwin in a rage wanting to rip my head off. They Eren shows up pissed off for who knows why? Then he chased me and we fell and ya..." I trailed off blushing softly.

Eren intertwined our hands under the table and giving a small squeeze. Mikasa shakes her head chuckling, pulling her hand up and face palming. I would honestly do the same, it was dumb but it was really funny seeing him pissed.

"It was really funny actually, I was with Erwin and seeing him jump off making the table fall and running off it was funny seeing everyone's face around us," Hanji stated laughing loudly. Erwin chuckled lightly looking down at the table.

Leaning on Eren I look up at him and his beautiful face. He looks back at me and kisses my nose causing me to blush and smile slightly.

Eren is just... I don't know how to explain it. A god for one, have you see his face? Well that's one. He also has beautiful eyes, a beautiful body, he cares about us, he is sweet and charming and my goddess just fuck us already. Turning red I look down at my lap and play with my hand. Why do I think like this? Because its what you want... duh. Oh shut up Levi. Make me.

Sighing I look up as the waitress comes back and places our drinks down on the table and takes our orders. Mikasa gets soup, Eren gets a muffin, Armin gets a salad. I get a chicken sandwich, Hanji gets soup also, and Erwin gets a big cookie.

We sit silently for a couple minutes just staring off into space. I don't mind the silence I've come accustomed to it by living by myself for over three decades but oh well.

"Sooooo... the weather has been shitty lately, it's almost winter and the full moon is in a week so what are you idiots going to do?" I ask trying to break the silence.

Eren mumbles along the lines of 'Im going to fuck you to oblivion' but I don't know. I don't know if that's a threat or a promise. Either way I would enjoy it.

"Well the full moon also effects us Levi, not just wolves," Erwin states in a duh tone. Oh yea, we also get hot and ready because of the full moon.

"Oh yea..." I trail off looking at Eren who is smirking like a dumbass and staring at me with his green eyes. His wolf is probably fighting him, I wouldn't care if we did it right now but not in front of everyone.

"Down doggy," Mikasa smacks the back of his head pretty hard. He doesn't change his face though. Smirking at him I flick his nose smacking him out of his trance.

"What happened?" He asks looking around the table. Mentally smacking my forehead I grab his hand and kiss it softly.

"Nothing, nothing at all," I state leaning back into my chair.

Mikasa was laughing silently while Hanji was staring at her intensely. Same with Erwin he was staring hard at Armin who was staring down at the table with a clear blush on his face.

"Sorry for the wait, but here's y'all food," the waitress says placing down the food on the table.


After we're done eating we head back to the library to chill for the rest of the hour. Eren had to leave around 3 for classes along with Armin. Erwin left around 4 with Hanji. I stayed till closing with Mikasa talking about stupid things like clothes and the 80's for some reason.


I wan to say thank you guys for all the support on this book and my others. I love you all so thank you so much. As some know sadly school is starting so I won't really have time to update during the day but I don't sleep so I'm mostly going to post at night.

{Edited; Words 842}

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