Chapter 42

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Erens POV

A beam of light wakes me up from my unconscious state. Slowly sitting up I rub my head ridding the ache away. Looking around I see my warriors either dead or passed out.

Some of the trees were fallen over, maybe caused by an explosion? Where was that man? Why am I alive? Sweeping the rest of the area, the man that was talking to Levi was burnt. Sucker. Where's Levi?

"L-levi?" I question looking. Standing up slowly, stumbling a bit. Frantically looking around for any sign of my love. "Levi?!?"

Running towards the burnt man I look for my man. Where could he go? levi....

<He is somewhere safe> Atlas says boldly.

<is he alive?> I ask softly

<Yes, but barely> I left out the breathe I was holding.

<Where is he?> I ask moving from warrior to warrior. It looks like none of the enemy survived, good.

<He is somewhere in the cosmic universe> Atlas states. What?!?

<What do you mean cosmic universe!?> I demand, scared for Levi.

<He is in the tears of time, he could be in the future or past, hoping from place to place before he finally comes back to his own universe> Atlas states calmly.

<When will he come back?> I ask shaking slightly.

<I do not know, but I will try to get in touch with Raja>

<Thank you> I say softly.

Atlas doesn't respond so I go back to tending my pack, some start to wake up and help with the rest. I mind linked Armin to bring the rest to help bring them back home. All in all at least 30 warriors died, but not in vein. There were no survivors left.

"Are you ok Eren?" Armin asks as he runs up in his blonde wolf. I nod softly, I miss Levi already.

"Where's Levi?" He asks shifting into his human form. Grabbing the pair of pants that were tied to his ankle.

"I don't know, Atlas said in different universes," I mumbled still not wrapping the thought around my head. How can he be gone?

"Geez, will he come back?" Armin says hugging my softly, I hug him back trying to keep my composure.

"Hopefully, only time will tell," I say burying my head into his neck. I hug him tighter, tears starting to come out. Why him? He did nothing, he's been through so much.

"He'll be ok, Eren?" Armin says softly into my chest. I nod softly pulling away and wiping the tears.

"I know, it's just hard. Is everyone accounted for and heading to the pack house?" I ask going back to Alpha mode. Adok whimpering in the back of my mind for his mate. I feel ya buddy.

"Yes, only 147 made it out, 30 didn't make it," Armin says sadly, it's going to be hard to tell the families of the fallen.

"Connie can you burn the bodies of the enemies please," I ask turning towards my Gamma wolf. He nods firmly then moves towards the dead with some other members,"When your done head home"

"Ok Alpha," The wolves say before going back to the bodies.

Turning towards Armin I shift into my wolf. Shaking my fur I let Adok have control and let him lead us home.

The only thing going through my mind is how Levi is. If he's scared or hurt. When he will make it back home. Is he even alive? Shaking my head me and Armin continue on our way back home. Ready to tell what happened and prepare for a funeral.

Levi, hang in there. I love you..


Ahhhh this book is almost done maybe two or three are left. This book is around a year old so holly shat. Thanks for sticking around. Also I'll be editing this whole book so be ready for better grammar
QOTD: Is you could travel through time, what time period would you travel to?
A:I would probably go to the 80s, everything just seemed easier
{Edited; Words 675}

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