Chapter 13

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Levi's POV

It's been at least two days and I haven't heard from Erwin or Hanji. I'm starting to get worry. But I once I saw them walk into the library around noon I knew they were ok.

We've been talking for around 20 minutes about what our game plan for killing Kenny is. I suggested we find him and just shoot him but they both looked at me weird so that's a no. Erwin suggested I lure him out of hiding and they trap him, then we torture him tell he begs for forgiveness or just dies all together.

While talking I never noticed Eren walk in and walk towards me. He warps his arms around my waist and puts his chin on my head. But of course I get scared and scream like a little girl. Everyone laughs at me blushing and pouting.

"So what are you guys doing?" He asks. I look up at Hanji and Erwin. Then both clenching there jaws shut.

"We're looking for someone," I respond steadily. 

" Do I know people who is it?"

"A guy named Kenny, we don't know if he's dead or alive but we need to find him," Erwin said clenching his hand on the desk we're at, his hands turning white.

"What does he look like?"

"Tall, some what muscular, has a beard and always where's a hat" Hanji said. He nodded his head taking in the information. Thinking for a few seconds.

"I've never heard of a Kenny but I've seen someone who you describe. Does he always carry two hand guns?" Eren finally responded.

Looking up at Erwin who just smirked and Hanji who I know was silently cheering. We finally found the asshat who's going to die.

"Yes, he does," Erwin's smirk growing bigger and bigger "where have you seen him?"

"He a professor at my school who teaches history, he's really odd and always talks about Vampires and how he knew some. Said he "killed some as well" funny right"

Erwin, Hanji, and I stiffen not daring to respond. God dammit Kenny why would you say shit like that. Eren must of felt it and kissed my shoulder snapping me out of the trance.

"Vampires aren't real, right?" He asked calmly looking between all of us. I swallow the lump in my throat.

"Well do you think they're real?" I ask.

"Well any things possible, I wouldn't mind. But I don't want any eating me, " He said chuckling a little. Letting out a sigh of relief. He doesn't care, good. " I think werewolves are real though"

I turn toward him with a confused look. Yes werewolves are very much real but why does he believe in werewolves? He looks down at me with a smile.

"It's true I believe werewolves are real, I've seen one with my own eyes," He stated. And mumbled not audible. Something close to ' I would know'

"And where would that be?" Erwin asked. Turning towards him he had a scared face, every magical creature has vowed to never let humans see them in anyway possible.

"In the woods next to the city, I saw a big white wolf and a black wolf, they were really pretty, both too big to be normal wolves"

"God damm MoonIsland," Erwin said shacking his head " they need to watch out before hunters come"

"Wait, werewolves are real?" Eren asked shocked but full of happiness. I chuckled softly at him. He's too cute.


So how do you think Eren will react about all this? Does he already know? Comment your thoughts.


{Edited; Words 602}

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