Chapter 11

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Italic is flashbacks

Levi's POV

Saying good bye to Eren he explained that he'll wait for me to come back because he was doing stuff with Armin and Mikasa. Armin seems like a nice kid, probably smarter than me.

We at last went to a little cafe next to the library called Titan Tea Cup. Erwin and Hanji following closely behind me. It was a small place with tables along the windows next to the entrance. The walls are a beige color on one side then a blood red on the other. And there was more tables next to the counter and outside. Overall it had a nice feel to this place.

The person at the front counter greeted us and asked for our orders. I asked for a muffin and black tea and a cupcake for Eren. Hanji got a frappe and Erwin got a water. After getting out drinks and food we sat in the corner next to the window. Both Hanji and Erwin sitting in front of me.

"So how did you survive?" I ask taking a sip of my tea. Erwin sighed and held his water, Hanji looked down at her lap.

"Well..." Erwin started.

Erwin's POV

I held my arm seeping with blood. Gritting my teeth in pain, trying to ease it. I looked and looked but all I saw was fire. Crimson blocking my vision, smoke clouding my breath. Trees burning to a crisp. Bodies of my friends and family lay dead on the floor. Along with Kenny's comrades who tried to kill us. How did it get this bad?

One minute we were eating the next the hunters including Levis uncle set fire to the forest surrounding the house.

Searching for Levi more bodies lay, blood was everywhere, covering my body and face. He better not be dead, nor Hanji.

"H-HANJI- w-here are you?" I yelled coughing on the smoke filling my lungs. I couldn't see anyone in sight.

Walking further along getting deeper and deeper into the woods. Rain started to lightly pour but in the matter of minutes started pouring with much force. Burning out the crimson flames.

Walking deeper and deeper into the forest.


Hearing screamjng and shouting from my left I turn and walk towards the sound. Someone was in need of help.

"Levi, kill him already," A faint voice called out.


She was laid up against a tree screaming at Kenny to stop as Levi was fighting him. Fanes out bitting at him, his arm that has a piece of wood penetrating, blood falling to the ground. Holding a sword and gun both being pointed towards Kenny.

"L-Levi " I call out, my voice hoarse and raspy. Turning towards me his face filled with such anger and rage but also relief once he saw me.

"Get Hanji and run, run towards the town and don't come out until I find you," He said turning towards Kenny.

"But Lev-"

"NO BUTS, take Hanji and run!!!" He yelled. Cutting me off. Surprised I walk over towards Hanji. Who was covered in blood and a piece of wood in her arm and chest. I slowly pick her up making sure not move the sticks. I make a run for it towards east knowing the city was there.

"Don't die on me Levi!" I call out turning back to see my best friend one last time. Looking over at me he was smiling tears running down his face as he held off Kenny.

"RUN!!" He yelled back.

Kenny stabbed Levi in the chest smirking as he did so. Levi spit blood out covering Kenny. He fell to the ground staring up at the sky. Turning his head slowly he mouth two words that crashed my heart. Tears slowly streaming down his face.

"Goodbye Erwin"

Slowly turning towards me Kenny had a grin plastered on his murderous face. Running towards me gun in hand. Shooting but missing.

I ran and ran as fast as I could before seeing the city lights. Looking back I couldn't see Kennny, the full moon glowing down. I've lost him.

Walking to the city I found a hospital to treat mine and Hanjis wounds. Still unconscious laying in my arms. I had a deep wound in my arm and Hanji had wood a centimeter close to her heart and in her arm.

Levi being stabbed kept replaying on repeat in my head. I never got to say goodbye to my friend. I'll never get to see him again. That day I vowed that if I ever found Kenny he would die with his head on a pole.

Levi's POV

Staring back I could see Erwin face held sorrow, anger, hatred, and more emotions I couldn't understand. Hanji was crying silently staring down at her lap.

"I thought you died in the forest," He whispered barely audible.

"The stab was very close to my heart that I almost died but passed out instead. Once I woke up I made my way to the cabin where I've stayed ever since. The last thing I saw was Kenny running towards you, " I responded "I thought he killed both of you"

"The past years I've been trying and trying to track Kenny but haven't had any luck, He's still out there looking for me and Hanji," Looking at me in desperation. "He wants all of us killed and we have no idea what his next move will be"

"I know"

Is he still alive or did he die? He must have assuming he died in the 90's but I've known him since 16 and once that man found a purpose he would keep it until it's done. But he could be anywhere. Staring at us from afar waiting to jump out. What will he do next?

"We've got to find him and kill him," I clenched my teeth. Erwin nodded in approval, Hanji staring back up to meet my eyes. Nodding as well. I've lost most of my family, I won't lose them again.

Update, hope you like it. Finally got to find out what really happened in the past.


{Edited; Words 1029}

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