Chapter 18

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Erens POV (before the fight)

Growling at the sound of the doors opening, I stare at Levi who pulls out a large blade and pulls it close to his face.

"Well, who's ready to kill a bastard?" Levi asks with a smirk, staring intensely at the sword. "This will be so much fun"

Levi starts walking slowly towards the front, twirling around the sword. We all stare at his disappearing figure. He better watch himself, I don't know how I'll live if he dies.

"Eren, whatever you do don't listen to anything Kenny says, he is known to say things that are..." Erwin pauses thinking for a second "manipulative"

I nod in understanding walking forward towards the two scents. Is this going to end well? Will we live happy lives? What's going to happen? Turning the corner Kenny is standing right in front of Levi holding a knife and smiling like a mad man.

Growling letting my presence known, Levi and Kenny turn looking at me, both with two different looks. Kenny with hatred, Levi with love and hope. Hearing footsteps behind me I smell Erwin and Hanji.

"Well isn't the whole crew here," Kenny states. "Hi Eren"

I growl darkly in response, I need him to get away from my mate or I will snap his neck. I feel Levi shiver making me smirk. Ha, he's hot and ready. I want to fuck him so hard but I can't right now.

"Is this mutt really going to protect you?" He says chucking. "He's so small and puny"

I growl darker than before, how dare he call me that. He has no reason to say these things. He doesn't even know me. I feel my eyes turn a slightly gold, it happens when I get pissed. Very, very pissed. I see Levi turn over to me with concern, but my full attention is on the asshat in front of me.

"And you think you can be the alpha? Don't make me shit myself. You will never be Alpha. Or a good mate, no one loves you. Your an outcast who can't be loved," Kenny said crossing his arms wit ha smug smile on his face.

I feel my whole eye turn red with hatred and anger. I love Levi with my whole heart, I will die for him. Kill my self if he ever dies. He doesn't know. He downs know! HE DOESN'T KNOW!!!

"Eren do-"

I pounce on top of Kenny with so much hatred I was about to bite his face off when I heard a gun shot. Looking over to the person holding the gun, he had a black coat on covering his face, black pants and shoes. Then looking at the gun and trailing my gaze to Levi. He was clenching his stomach. Red seeping onto his shirt into his is hand. That bastard shot my baby.

I kept biting towards Kenny's neck but every time he would cover with his arm, his blood seeping into my hungry fangs. I heard Levi chanting a ritual in old Latin. He better not be using the one that calls for a blood sacrifice. It could very well kill him. I turn towards him as he holds the sword in front of him, the sword beaming with blues and green. A marking was on top of his head of the moon. He didn't.

Turning toward the gun guy his face held shock and terror. Shuffling was all around us, people coming from behind the bookshelves. Popping out with a gun and a knife in both hands. Erwin and Hanji were no were to be seen. They probably left. Pussy.

I get off of Kenny and back away in a pouncing stance, standing in front of my mate so if he try's to get hit I'll get hit first. I feel his hand softly touch my fur and slowly start to scratch. I calm down a little but was still in killing mode. He takes off his hand and it loosely falls to his side. Whoever dares to touch him shall die.

Kenny slowly stands up and brushes off his pants, still carrying a smile that would kill any murderous bitch.

"Well he is somewhat strong, still a pup," Kenny growled toward me through clenched teeth.

I growled back louder the windows shaking in response. I step closer before a hand is gently placed on my back. Feeling the tingles I know it is Levi.

"You shall not disrespect my mate like that. You shall die upon the sword you carved in my chest. And I shall get revenge for all who has died at your hand," Levi said in a soft but deadly tone. It didn't sound like him, more like a goddess.

My mate walking closer to the man who killed many, drawing the magical sword before slashing at his chest. Blood pouring out off Kenny's chest staining his shirt. Grinning to myself as his body falls to the ground.

"K-kill. ttt-them," he said clenching the open wound.

All the men surrounding us ran towards us with swords drawn and guns pulled forwards. I go lower ready to attack anyone who dare comes close. My eyes glowing a crimson red barking loudly at the ounces running towards me.


Turning toward the noise Levi was standing hunched over Kenny, the magical sword radiating light from his chest. The impact of the sword stabbing the old man sending the hunters to there deaths. Screaming before they burned into nothing but grey ash.

The impact sending me into the bookshelves. Books falling on top of me, I see two familiar figures come into view. One blonde and one brunette. Hanji and Erwin, were did they go off to? I thought before passing out with the sound of a loud scream booming in my ears.

Another update hope you enjoyed this view of Erens take. Sorry I haven't updated I've been lazy and reading s lot more.

{Edited; Words 1004}

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