Chapter 43

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Levi POV

After the beam of light dimmed down I woke up floating. Looking around I was in a kind of bubble surrounded by a magenta wall that looked like squishy skin. It was outlined with black and was moving in and out, like it was breathing.

<Raja, where am I?> I asked looking around trying to move.

<We are in the cosmic universe, traveling from universe to universe. We're just waiting to see when we get back to our universe>. Raja responds quietly.

<Are you ok? Is everyone else ok?> I asked frightened at how weak Raja sounded.

<I'm ok just tired, it talks a lot of energy to move you from that universe, and everyone should be fine> He says

<Thank you> I say sincerely

<Your welcome>

Closing my eyes slowly and resting them I open them to a new scenery. This time it is a sort of desert but the dirt is blue or teal, the sky was a soft pink and the trees were yellow and green. They looked like palm trees. Little rodents were scurrying around going into the different cracks in the ground.

This is going to be interesting.


*4 planets later*

Looking around this planet is purple with silver crystals popping out here and there. It is really pretty. I wish Eren can see this....

<Raja, when are we going home?> I say hugging myself, missing home and Eren.

<Only time will tell, young one> He says softly.

<I miss home.... I miss my family> I say softly wanting to cry.

<It's ok Levi, you can cry if you want and we will make it back. I don't know when but we will> Raja states smiling softly in my mind.

<Thank you Raja, for everything.> A lone tear slides down my right cheek.

<It's my fate to be with you Levi, I'm only doing my job as your protector>

<Still, thank you> I say closing my eyes tightly and crying myself to sleep. Dreaming of my life with Eren, and how I hope I can see him again.

I love you Eren....


*Many planets later*

Looking around this planet is grey and dull. A temple like dome made out of big, black rocks is at the top of a hill. A red gleam shooting out of the openings. This place is scary.

A figure comes out of the temple and looks around before looking over to me. I shiver in fear when I see their eyes are a orange-red with black slits. Like a snake.

The figure starts walking closer to me, they are tall and muscular. I think it's a man but I'm not assuming. They only had on a pair of pants without a shirt or shoes on. They also had some horns that where short, his skin looks grey. I wanna touch it. Looking closer at their face their features are so similar to Eren.

Tearing up a little I put my hand against the bubble and try to sit up but gravities a bitch. Trying my best I lay on my side towards him.

<Raja, what is this planet?> I ask staring into the figures eyes. They looked deep into mine, the slits dilating ever so slightly.

<Urion, it's a parallel universe of Earth>

<Is this Eren?> I ask softly.

<Yes> Raja says softly.

"Eren..?" I ask softly to him. He blinks his eyes tilting him head ever so slightly.

"Who are you?" He said in a firm voice, a shiver running down my spine. Oh I've missed his voice.

"I'm Levi, I'm from another universe," I state sadly. Does he not know who I am? Why does this happen to me?

"Levi?" He says putting his hand to mine again the bubble. I can feel his heat radiate on my hand. Warming my heart slightly.

"Yes!" I say crying out and pressing my hand against his. But before he can open his mouth the world changes. Leaving me to stare off into the place Eren just was.

My hand cold as ice. My eyes stare off into the void as my breathe hitches in my throat making it harder and harder to breathe.


Come back..

I say off into my mind wondering if he can feel me at all. Pulling my hand back into my chest slowly, gripping my hand as I cry silently. Tears just pool out of my eyes as I recount all the memories with me and my mate. Him chasing me around the library and tackling me, then kissing or tickling me, watching vampire diaries late at night cuddles up, him sleeping next to me. His body enclosing me, making me feel safe and secure from any danger.

Now I feel empty, a piece is missing from my heart. A piece that I can't seem to grasp at all. I won't be able to see him for a long time. I'm lost in the universe with only me and a god.

I scream into the void that is a mix of purples and blues. I scream for my lost love. I scream for the stabbing pain in my chest that makes it hard to breathe. I scream because of my actions. I scream because I can. I scream because I'm missing something.

Missing the piece of my heart that is slowly breaking the rest of my mind and soul.


Welp here's the chapter. Sorry it kinda got sad at the end. I'm sorry Levi it has to be this way. Anyway this book like I said is going to be ending soon maybe 1 more chapter than the epilogue.
QOTD: Where would you want to live if you could?
A:I would want to live in Sweden, Poland or Hell. Because y not

{Edited;Words 967}

The Point of No Return (Vampire AU) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now