AJ Mitchell - Cooking

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Recently, you and AJ moved into a three bedroom apartment in Los Angeles, and to say it was going well was an understatement, it was going perfect. You had been going out for a year and a half and things couldn't be better. For the first few days you and AJ had relied on takeout and tonight was the first time you were cooking in your new home.

"Babe, I didn't know you were cooking." AJ smiles chucking his keys onto the counter and walking over to you.

"Do you not want my cooking?" You joked turning the stove down to a lower temperature.

"You know I'd never deny your pasta Y/N." He smiled reaching to give you a kiss. It felt like you hadn't seen him in years but he'd only gone a couple of hours.

"It smells really good by the way, my compliments to the chef." AJ winked making you roll your eyes.

"Very funny, now go sit down, it's nearly ready." He raised his hands playfully in defeat, going over to the radio and putting it on low sound. Jet Black Heart by 5 Seconds Of Summer was playing as you dished up the food.

"Here you go baby." You smiled putting his plate down in front of him. He looked at it with a happy smile and before you even sat down, he had taken a huge bite of his meal, the look on his face showing he was enjoying it.

"This is amazing." He told you, you smiled at the achievement.

"Why thank you Mr Mitchell."

"Who would've thought that you ever set fire to a diner kitchen before?" He joked knowing what had happened in your previous job. You hand't meant to set the oven on fire, it just 'magically' appeared.

"You remind me of that every-time." You whined.

"All I care about is how freaking amazing you are at cooking."

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