You and just gotten out of your wisdom teeth removal surgery and to say you were loopy was an understatement. Your boyfriend Anthony was there the whole time and he was also recording it.
"Yo lady, see that guy in front of me?" You asked the nurse while pointing to Anthony, she nodded as Anthony tried to contain his laughter.
"He is my handsome giraffe okay? Boy, I love yo hair mister, where do you get it done?" You lisped as the gauze in your mouth stopped you from talking properly.
"You came to the hairdressers with me yesterday at Browns, remember babe?" He asked, you slapped your head really hard with your hand.
"It only just occurred to me Tony, I'm sorry I forgot." You burst out crying as continued filming.
"So Y/N, do you have any more questions before we discharge you?" The nurse asked with a pen and clip board in hand. You shrugged your shoulders and put on a hard, thinking face on, not really sure what to answer.
"Is it true that Luke Hemmings' wants to wake up with Amnesia, because he was like I wish that I could wake up with Amnesia, but that's a bit stupid because you won't remember anything." You laughed.
"I'm not to sure sweetheart but you're ready to go home now." She smiled. Anthony came over and kissed your cheek while helping you get out of your chair.
"Y/N how are you feeling babe?" Tony asked, looking at you then looking at the camera. You rolled your eyes at him as you gripped onto the side of his arm.
"You know Anthony, I was feeling so great until you asked me that question. A few days ago, you didn't even let me keep that pigeon I found." You groaned. He started laughing but covered it up quickly before you got more annoyed at him.
"But Y/N, he was on the roof of someones car, you couldn't just take him." He reminded you and before you responded you saw another pigeon on a fence.
"Well a fence is a little different from a car, am I right?" You shouted, rushing over, but it flew away as you ran for it.
"Obviously it's going to fly away."
"Don't talk to me, I bet you blackmailed that poor bird, saying that if it went anywhere near me, you'd shoot it. I hope you're happy, just because you got scared that I would leave you for the pigeon." You randomly started crying, oh how you were going to get teased for this afterwards.

Team 10 Imagines
FanfictionTeam 10 Imagines❤️ These are my own imagines, so if you chose to use them, please put it in your story that they were originally mine #alwaysplug 1 of 2 Team 10 imagines written by me #4 in Fanfiction 31/07/2017 #1 when you search Jake Paul 03/08/20...