Chance Sutton - You Have A Bad Day

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Normally you'd never show when you were upset, like a lot of people. Your life was changing a lot, you were even moving to LA soon with your boyfriend. Ohio was where you had been all of your life so it was going to be nice for a change. However, you just got some devastating news that a close family friend was in the hospital and there was no sign of her getting any better. You were already stressed from the week and this had taken you over the edge. You and your brother went to go visit her. 

Eventually you got to tired and extremely emotional so you returned home. You and Chance were supposed to make plans for the night, but you ignored all of his calls. He continued to text and call you like mad but you just began to isolate from everyone. Soon after, you feel asleep, drained from everything that happened. Within three hours your front door was banging and it had woken you up. You went to open the door and there was your boyfriend, looking extremely relieved to see you were standing on two legs.

"Why didn't you answer my texts and calls?" He asked with curiosity.

"As much as I love you, it's been a long day, can we do this another time?" You say trying not to sound mean but you knew you were. Before he could reply you began to shut the door and you almost succeeded if it hadn't of been for his hand stopping the door from closing. He pried the door back open and pushed his way in.

"We're going to talk now." He said with a stern voice. You shut the front door and walked with him into the living room. He grew impatient with your childish behavior when you didn't say anything or even look at him. 

"Y/N, what's the matter?" Chance asked more worried than before. Ignoring his pleads and gaze, you sat on the couch looking at your lap. He gently grabs your chin so your looking each other in the eyes. His eyes softened when he saw a tear roll down your cheek and his heart broke seeing you in such a state. Gently, he padded the tear away with his thumb.

"Don't cry beautiful, take your time, I love you." He said softly. Chance pulled you into his lap and wrapped his arms around you. You snuggled into him and began to cry while he held you. His warm hold and sweet kiss he left on your forehead was the last thing you remembered as you fell asleep in his arms. 

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