You had grown up on a farm in Texas. Sadly you moved to Los Angeles, leaving it all behind. However your parents had stayed at the farm meaning every time you wanted to visit, you could. Your career had become a success meaning you could pick up a suitcase and go there whenever you felt like it. Well this time your boyfriend of four months Anthony decided to join you. Currently the two of you were getting ready to go horse riding.
"Babe, all you have to do is put your feet through them stirrups." You mentally face palmed as his shoes came off.
"I'm sorry I don't horse ride everyday." He whined as you got off your horse, put his shoes back on and helped guide his feet through the stirrups.
"And neither do I, but it doesn't take a genius to work it out." You sassed making him roll his eyes.
"Right we're going on a small trail because I highly doubt you will know where you're going." You laughed riding your horse away from him.
"Babe, how the hell do I get this thing to move!" He shouted making you grin.
"First of all his name is Flash and second of all give him a gentle kick on his side, and I literally mean gentle Anthony." You said seriously, clearly he wasn't listening because the horse neighed loud and started galloping away.
"For god sake." You sighed.
"HOW DO I STOP IT!?" He shouted while you were a laughing mess.
"PULL THE REIGNS BACK BABE!" You shouted back in between giggles. Flash stopped almost instantly and you rode over to where they both were.
"I saw my life between my eyes." Anthony said out of breath.
"I told you gently babe, but it's okay, you're new to this whole country thing." You smiled jumping off of your pony.
"Well sorry country girl, but you gave me a big ass horse while you got a pony, can we swap?" He pleaded. You nodded helping him down. He gave you a quick kiss before getting on to the pony while you got on Flash. He followed your instructions this time around and the pair of you had a nice little horse ride around different trails because Anthony felt more confident on one of your smallest animals.

Team 10 Imagines
FanfictionTeam 10 Imagines❤️ These are my own imagines, so if you chose to use them, please put it in your story that they were originally mine #alwaysplug 1 of 2 Team 10 imagines written by me #4 in Fanfiction 31/07/2017 #1 when you search Jake Paul 03/08/20...