Emilio Martinez - Teen Pregnancy Part 2

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The months had gone by so fast and you couldn't believe you were already in the hospital, getting ready to give birth to your baby.

"Time went so quickly." Emilio whispered as you clutched his hand.

"Yeah, I'm kinda scared Emilio." You told him. You had feared throughout the whole nine months that you were going to be the worst mother. You were only seventeen. Both yourself and Emilio had decided the easiest option and it was to sadly move out of the Team 10 house. It was no place for a baby to grow up and it wouldn't be fair on the others if they couldn't sleep because of the new addition.

"It'll be okay." He reassured you. Nerves were definitely starting to settle in, as well as your contractions. Never had you felt the pain in your stomach that you were feeling now. Emilio, Tessa and Erika had agreed to stay in the room with you while you had the baby, plus all of Team 10 were in and out of your hospital room, checking on you. Also, yours and Emilio's families were on separate flights to Los Angeles.

"I cannot wait to see if you have a girl or boy." Tessa smiled excitedly.

"It's going to be painful." You laughed. Staying calm and smiley was what your midwife had told you to do. Who would've thought that within the next ten minutes you were ready to start pushing.

"You got this baby." Emilio reassured you. Emilio was holding your left hand, while Erika was holding your right hand. Tessa was holding on to Erika's spare hand and it made your heart met that they were all here by your side. After consistent pushing and a lot pain coming from your lower region you had given birth to your baby.

"Congratulations Y/N and Emilio, it's a baby girl." The nurse cried in excitement. It took that one sentence to make you and Emilio burst into tears. Erika and Tessa even cried a few tears, excited that they had a baby niece to dress up and look after. The nurse wrapped your baby up in a blanket and handed her over to you.

"Hello there Miss Martinez." You smiled down at your baby. Emilio rushed outside and told everyone that you both had a baby girl and you heard shouts of excitement. You had been cleaned up and covered so everyone came rushing in.

"This is the baby." Emilio pointed to the sleeping baby in your arms.

"Well done dummy, does she have a name?" Jake laughed. You and Emilio looked at each-other.

"This, Team 10. This is Sofia Martinez." You smiled proudly.

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