It all happened so fast, one minute you were picking out baby names with Tessa and the next the doctors had informed you that you had unfortunately suffered a miscarriage. Tessa was the one to drive you to the hospital and Kade rushed as fast as he could to meet you there. Your world was crushed when the doctor had told you, Kade and Tessa had tears in their eyes as you sat there emotionless.
"You're ready to leave now Y/N." The doctor told you. You nodded grabbing your phone and walking out, not having said a word within the past two hours. Kade had messaged Jake about the situation and he explained everything to Team 10, everyone shocked and utterly heartbroken.
"I got an uber here, can I ride with you Tessa?" Kade whispered, she nodded giving him a hug and unlocking the car. You sat in the front with her and not a word was spoken the whole way home.
"You don't have to go in just yet if you don't want to Y/N." Tessa informed you but you had already got out and slammed the door. The whole house went silent when they saw you come through the front door.
"Y/N, we're so sorry." Anthony told you, you looked up at him and hugged him, before walking out into the garden and ignoring what everyone else had to say. You took off your shoes and dangled your feet in the pool, looking up at the sky.
"I know it wasn't your time baby, just know I love you, dad loves you and Team 10 sure as heck love you. Why did you have to leave?" Your voice cracked as tears sprung out of your eyes. The stars were scattered everywhere and you knew your baby was definitely one of them looking down.
"Babe?" You heard from behind you. You didn't say anything, but Kade knelt down beside you and for the first time in a while, you two looked at each other in the eyes and realization had properly hit you. Kade wrapped his arms around you, the pair of you crying together.
"It just wasn't time. We can try again one day. It's okay." Kade kissed your forehead.
"I love you." You cried into his chest, hugging him so tight that you never wanted to leave this spot.
"I love you too, never forget that. Life is just cruel sometimes, but we can make it through together." He reassured you, grabbing your hand and lacing it with his.

Team 10 Imagines
FanfictionTeam 10 Imagines❤️ These are my own imagines, so if you chose to use them, please put it in your story that they were originally mine #alwaysplug 1 of 2 Team 10 imagines written by me #4 in Fanfiction 31/07/2017 #1 when you search Jake Paul 03/08/20...