Chance Sutton - Ohio Machine Gun Tattoo

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You, Jake, Anthony and Chance were all from Ohio and when it came to the tattoo spinning wheel that Jake had as an idea for his video, you were all down to do it and you had all decided to get a tattoo in reminder of your hometown.

"What about a machine gun?" Jake suggested, the other boys agreed but you weren't one hundred percent sure.

"You don't look to impressed with that idea babe." Chance chuckled sitting down in the chair, waiting for the tattoo artist to do his work.

"Will you still love me even with a machine gun on my leg?" You sighed nervously making him laugh loud.

"Babe, I'd still love you even if you had peppa pig tattooed on your forehead." He reminded you, you laughed along with him.

"Now come hold my hand, because I'm pretty sure this is gonna be painful." Chance told you and boy was he right, out of the four of you, he was the most squeamish. You were surprised it hadn't really hurt you that much, but there are worse places for a tattoo.

"Right we need an Instagram picture." Anthony told you and once again you had to roll up your sweatpants to reveal your new addition. Your parents were probably not going to be to thrilled with the fact you put such a thing on your body, but you knew they'd get over it eventually and come to like the idea.

"This is so lit guys!" Jake shouted into the camera that Emilio was holding.

"How do you feel about your tattoo Y/N?" Nick asked you.

"I was hesitant, but I think I like it." You smiled at him.

"At least you were braver then me babe." Chance whispered giving you a kiss on the cheek. You were unaware of Ivan listening to what Chance was talking to you about.

"CHANCE IS IN LOVE!" He shouted unexpectedly making everyone burst out into laughter.

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