Everyone, other then you and Marcus, were asleep in the Team 10 house and you were both chilling in the pool.
"I love nights like this." You whispered, gently walking around the pool as Marcus had his feet dangling in from the edge.
"So do I. The stars are out and may I add, they look as beautiful as you." He smiled, making your stomach erupt in butterflies. He always knew how to make you smile and he truly was the perfect boyfriend.
"Are you even going to get in? Come on Dobre, this time tomorrow Logan is making sure this pool is filled with slime, so lets make the most of it." You told him going to grab his hand and bring him in. He happily obliged, quietly getting into the pool. You wrapped your arms around his neck as his instantly attached to your waist.
"This is perfect." He mumbled as your head rested gently on his shoulder.
"Agreed." You yawned.
"Hey, don't you fall asleep on me, you were the one who wanted to stay in the pool." He chuckled, but really he wasn't too bothered because just having you in his arms made him happy.
"I won't." You whispered, but you did end up falling asleep on his shoulder, so he carefully took you out of the pool, dried you off and put you into some shorts and a tank top and then placed you on the couch next to him in a blanket.
"I love you Y/N." He smiled, even though your eyes weren't open you could still hear him. Little did you know that the next day, on YouTube was a vlog of you and Marcus in the pool because Jake had been recording in aw, secretly from his balcony.

Team 10 Imagines
FanfictionTeam 10 Imagines❤️ These are my own imagines, so if you chose to use them, please put it in your story that they were originally mine #alwaysplug 1 of 2 Team 10 imagines written by me #4 in Fanfiction 31/07/2017 #1 when you search Jake Paul 03/08/20...