Chance Sutton - Wedding Vows

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You were part way through your wedding ceremony, and it definitely did not feel real. There was at least three hundred people watching you and Chance and it did make you slightly nervous.

"Your vows please." The wedding priest smiled, Chance was going first and he squeezed your hands lightly before grabbing the piece of paper from his pocket.

"So, as most of you guys in this room are aware, I'm not great with speeches, but I'm gonna give it a go. Eighteen years ago, I met Y/N, our parents knew each other, we did everything together. Six years ago, I ended up dating her, and here I am, marrying the girl of my absolute dreams. I would not believe any of you if you had told me maybe ten years ago, that I would be stood here, about to fully commit to a relationship. But I do believe, that I will be honest with you, I will be faithful and I will honor and love you till the day I die. If I break that promise, I allow your brother to punch me in the face." He smiled making the crowd laugh.

"I will be your husband for as long as you want to be my wife and maybe one day we will both realize that you throwing a milkshake over me in fourth grade was going to push our relationship into something like this." He chuckled. A lot of people were crying in the audience, mainly your family but some of your close friends as well. Chance placed the ring on your finger, and it sure was beautiful. 

"Now when I was in middle school, I once forgot this big essay, I had worked so hard on it. This guy right in front of me, got a detention for me and gave me his essay. We were best friends and for the rest of my life I not only want to be Mrs Sutton, but I want us to stick together. Every night we tell each other how much we love each other. I feel that it will be a whole different set of butterflies once I put this ring on your finger and I might have to break your arm if you lose it." You mentioned, once again the crowd starting laughing. 

"Through our arguments, through our disagreements. The good and the bad, I am willing to be yours, as long as you can put up with how gullible and how stupid I am." You giggled slipping the ring on his finger. This wedding truly was a day you would never forget. 

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