Chance Sutton - He Gets Drunk

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All of the guys had gone out, leaving you and Erika in the house. Tessa was staying with her mom so it was just the two of you. 

"Sometimes I genuinely get concerned for them. Like the other day for example, Emilio diving off of the roof and into the pool." Erika pointed out. 

"I agree, but if it makes them happy then there's nothing we can really do about it." You laughed, the door knocked and you were excited because it was probably the pizza guy.

"Y/N can you go get it?" Erika asked but you were already at the door with your money, but when you opened it, it was the rest of the guys. However, Kade and Chance were far from sober.

"It's my munchkin Y/N!" Chance shouted leaping out of Jake's arms and into yours, knocking you to both to the floor. It made you burst into a fit of giggles at how funny this was.

"We didn't mean for him to get drunk. Him in Kade just walked off to the bar and I'm surprised that he didn't get asked for ID, but yeah, sorry about that Y/N." Nick laughed, snap chatting the pair of you on the floor. The door then knocked again, this time it was the pizza guy so Jake happily paid for it.

"Chance babe, let's get you up." You whispered as his arms were wrapped around you. 

"I don't like going up, that's scary you know? I have to tell you Y/N, today you looked beautiful, and you still are beautiful but I just love alpacas, and I really want one, but you're just in love with trees." He sat up with his head in his hands, making no sense what so ever.

"Chance, I love trees too!" Kade drunkenly laughed beside him, bouncing up and down.

"Oh my god." You chuckled. 

"I want my bed, Y/N carry me, you gorgeous muffin, tree loving, alpaca!" He shouted falling into your arms again. Anthony came over as you helped him up the stairs, he was acting as if he was on drugs that doctors use for people getting there wisdom teeth out, maybe even worse.

"Love you Tony bro, see you later my little ohio guy." Chance patted Anthony's head as he tried to contain his laughter. You got in beside Chance and he once again wrapped his arms around you.

"I love you too Y/N." Chance kissed your lips, the taste of pure vodka lingering on his lips.

"I love you too, and you'll regret this tomorrow." You warned him, turning off the lights.

"You're such a liar you pelican."

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