A/N - I actually can't swim very well above water so this chapter is dedicated to those less confident swimming Ivan fans.
Truth is, you couldn't swim and only four people knew about it. Your mom, dad, Emilio and your boyfriend of 5 months, Ivan. It was something you were slightly afraid of because the thought of drowning terrified you and the fact you couldn't actually swim was quiet embarrassing. Little did you know, today was going to take a turn for the worst.
"What are you doing today Y/N?" Ivan asked, observing what you were doing on the office computer, like you usually do.
"I need to put a few contracts into place and arrange meetings for Nick and I about Team 10." You told him, he nodded walking over and casually sitting on your lap.
"Get off me loser." You groaned trying to shove him off, but he only laughed.
"On one condition." He grinned, poking his lips out. You rolled your eyes and kissed him and then he got off.
"I'll be in the backyard with Emilio and Ray." Ivan told you, you nodded and he walked away. Within five minutes, Jake, Chance and Anthony came in with big smirks, and you knew they were planning on doing something.
"So Y/N, you like swimming?" Jake joked pointing the camera at you. You gulped and before you could say anything, he handed the camera over to Chance and ran over to you. Picking you up and started running towards the pool.
"Jake, please no." You panicked, he didn't listen but let out a loud laugh. Ivan and Emilio saw what he was doing and ran over, but by then he had already thrown you into the deep end of the pool.
"Bro, she can't swim!" Ivan shouted. You were flailing around, not meaning to swallow the gross water that you were slowly breathing in. Ivan dived in and wrapped his arms around you but it was easy to tell you weren't okay because you were going in and out of consciousness.
"You're okay Y/N." Emilio whispered, rubbing your back as you threw up the water. You leaned back into Ivan's chest as your breathing slowly became steadier. Jake, Chance and Tony looked extremely guilty as they knelt down to check if you were okay.
"We didn't know you couldn't swim Y/N." Chance whispered.
"Kinda embarrassing." Ivan wrapped his arms around you, and you gave him a kiss on the cheek.
"Lucky I have a boyfriend to save me from you dweebs." You joked.
"Jake Paulers, we nearly killed Y/N and she's still a savage. We are sorry though." Jake told the camera and then you.
"It's fine, just don't do it again." You warned.
"Yeah douche, I prefer Y/N alive thank-you."

Team 10 Imagines
ФанфикTeam 10 Imagines❤️ These are my own imagines, so if you chose to use them, please put it in your story that they were originally mine #alwaysplug 1 of 2 Team 10 imagines written by me #4 in Fanfiction 31/07/2017 #1 when you search Jake Paul 03/08/20...