Kade Speiser - You Accidentally Break His Camera

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It was all just one big mess. One minute you were walking down the stairs and then the next you had fallen down them. Not only had you planted great, big, purple bruises on your shoulder and left hand. You weren't panicking over that, you were holding Kade's camera as he had asked for you to get it. He hadn't heard you fall down the stairs, he was listening to music and working in the office. 

"Babe, I'm really sorry." You mumbled walking in and handing it to him, he hadn't heard you, but when you places the broken camera in front of his eyes, he went mad. 

"How could you be so inconsiderate Y/N? These things cost a lot of money, like a tonne. I asked for one thing, how can it be so hard to go grab a camera? It's not as if I asked for you to do something hard!" He shouted, you gulped as tears formed in the corner of your eyes.

"It was an accident, I fell down the stairs with it in my hand." You whispered not looking him in the eye. He let out a huge groan, and it was obvious that he didn't exactly believe you.

"You're not looking me in the eye, I know you're lying." He snapped. The embarrassing thing was, that Jake was on his computer in the same room, looking at you with a sympathetic expression. 

"Dude what's all of that shouting for?" An irritated Erika came through the door. 

"Why don't you tell her Miss Klutz?" Kade bellowed once again, you just let the tears fall now, not just because of him shouting, but because of the pain from the bruising. 

"Hey, don't call her that Kade, are you okay Y/N? I was in my room and I heard a huge thud come down the stairs, but I didn't check it out because it freaked me out a little." She admitted coming over and hugging you, you winced as she squeezed your shoulder slightly. 

"Did you fall down the stairs?" She asked, you nodded, pulling your sleeve up and showing the bruise. Kade let out a guilty sigh, knowing he should of just listened to you.

"Erika let me handle it." He sighed, she rolled her eyes as he took you to the kitchen, grabbing ice for your injured spot.

"I'm sorry I broke your camera." You whimpered as he placed the cold  substance onto your shoulder and foot. 

"I'm sorry for shouting, Y/N I'm in such a bad mood it's unreal, nothing is going right today. I'll look after you, as long as you feel like you're not injured anywhere else?" He asked you, you shook your head no as he rested his head on your shoulder.

"I love you." He whispered into your ear.

"I love you too." 

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