6. Dead Bodies

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The plan was officially going into action and the three teenage werewolves were at the school entrance checking one last time for any sight of people.

Scott looks at Isaac and Cara who simply nodded at him, and they run off.

Cara was surprised to say that Argent was turning out to be a huge help. They were all anxiously waiting for something to happen rather then sitting nervously.

Chris argent turned on another one of his tools. Scott and Cara run up to Chris sparing Isaac, who had run in a different direction, a second glance.

"Do you see that?" Chris asked.

"Are those......" Cara trailed off and Scott continued. "Yeah, its a firefly." 

Cara almost face-palmed.

"No, I know that. Its just. Very unusual." The hunter stuttered. 

"What?" Scott asks still confused.

"Its very unusual." Chris answered. 

Cara scoffed. "Its very very unusual, almost creepy unusual. Stiles was right maybe we are in a horror movie." 

"Yeah." Chris agreed. "The California flies in California aren't bio-luminescent."

Scott looked at the pair, confusion still etched on his face.

"Oh my god." Cara muttered. "They dont glow!" 

Growls, feet thumping and heavy panting was heard in the distance indicating the plan was official ready.


Isaac and Cara were standing in front of one of the entrances to the school.

They were just mumbling to each other trying to make time pass by when they heard a growl. They looked at each other.

"Oh no." Isaac muttered.

Cara's fangs came out and her claws were out, she was ready to fight.

She turned around and flashed her green eyes. She was still trying to get used to the unusual color and was yet to figure it out.

Chris's truck came through with its blinding head light and he honked the horn. This made Boyd and Cora growl again but they still ran ahead.

They stop in front of the entrance and jump on the ceiling.

"Well shit." Cara muttered.

"They're not going through the school." Scott said to them.

"They're going over it." Cara nods.

"The red doors, someone has to get them open." Chris yelled jogging over to Derek and Cara , along with Scott.

Derek immediately ran inside.

"Someone has to drive them inside." Scott states.

Chris nods. "Ill go." But Isaac cuts him off. "No, I'm faster." he states and runs off.

Cara and Scott run into the school in a different direction, as the hunter does the same.

They had run into the dead and dark hallway. Boyd and Cora stood in front of the Three more tame werewolves.

"Come and get us." Derek says and the three run again.

They were leading Boyd and Cora into the boiler room. The three of them grab a fire extinguisher and spray it on their faces making it too cloudy for them to see, once its finished they look at each other.

They jog back to the door while the other two wolves were distracted.

The steel door was shut with force and Derek locks it. Boyd and Cora were trapped on the other side and all they could do was hope their plan worked.

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