26- Party Fails

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Song that inspired the chapter 'War of Hearts' by Ruelle

Song that inspired the chapter 'War of Hearts' by Ruelle

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"... I vote against any and all interaction." Cara had heard Stiles say, she Immediately rolled her eyes at this knowing that he was talking about Kira. 

The boy had talked on the pho ne non stop about how he didn't trust her and only negative things could come out from this. 

"Don't be rude, Stiles." Cara scolded the boy as she approached the pair, one with a sad expression and the other with a confused one. 

"Rude? Rude? I am not being rude! For all we know she could kill." Stiles spluttered out, waving his hands around incoherently. 

"And for all we know, she could be innocent and totally unsure with what she is." Cara retorted a knowing look on her face. She wrapped her arm around Scott and pouted. "Plus you can't stop Scotty fro, talking to his crush." 

Stiles looked at her with a look which was unknown to her but then smiled at her. "Pouting should be illegal for you." 

Cara grinned wickedly and jumped over to the boy and kissed him sweetly. 

"Williams!" Someone calls out making Cara turn around. She sees Danny standing with a smile on his face waving her over. She walks up to him, beaming. 

"Hey, Danny!" Cara grins giving the boy a hug. 

"So listen, I'm having this super cool party and everyone's invited! You can even bring your boyfriend." Danny sighs towards the end and turns around to see Stiles trying to open his locker but hitting himself in the face as it opens with a jolt. The spastic boy rubs his nose, cursing. 

Cara brings her hand over her mouth trying to hide her snicker. "Got you, boss! I'll be there." 


It was lunch time and Cara had felt extremely bad for Kira, knowing that she sits alone. As much as she was eager to sit with her boyfriend and best friends she couldn't help but feel guilty. So Scott and Cara had decided to befriend the teen. 

Setting their bags on the floor next to Kira, Cara puts her hair in a  bun. Noticing someone's presence Kira turned her head while biting into her sandwich.

"I don't want to talk about it." Kira states as the two take a seat. They both nod in understanding. 

"We don't have to." Cara tells her softly. Kira glances at Scott who looks at the floor, his cheeks slightly flushed. 

"Want to talk about the pre-cal test on Friday? The teacher takes all the equations right out of the book." Scott says, struggling to open his book at the right page. The silence is enough for Scott to know that he should stop as Kira keeps her eyes locked at the ground. 

Cara smiles awkwardly grabbing Scott's book from his hand and closing it softly in order to convey her message. Scott grimaces slightly and looked at the girl with an unavailing expression and Cara rolls her eyes. The awkward silence was killing her. 

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