9. Motel Glen Capri

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Trigger warning -  So small trigger warning for you guys because this chapter will involve talks about suicide. I'm sure you all know that this episode has it for a lot of characters but I will mostly be focused on Cara's dark thoughts. And remember if you ever need to talk someone, i'm here to listen. Don't hurt yourself because I promise you're worth every last bit of oxygen in this universe. It gets better I promise. If you ever feel like your on edge and anything could set you off remember that you're beautiful and amazing and people care. I, especially, care. I love you guys so much and If I hear something happened to you I would be hurt terribly. So please be safe everyday. All the love.

As the bus pulls up in front of the motel Cara couldn't help but feel... terrified. The motel was surrounded by a bad vibe that she obviously hated and she knew Lydia could feel it too.

"Oh hell no." Cara told them shaking her head. "I am not sleeping in that hotel. I would rather sleep on this flo-." She said looking at the ground with a sigh. "Never mind." She finished making Scott chuckle at her.

"I still hate it." She added.

"I've seen worse." Scott stated.

"Ha.Ha. Very funny Scott. Is this a joke to you? Because it isn't to me. We are literally standing in front of out grave. We will die here. I am telling you this looks like a haunted house. I wont be surprised if a ghost will pop out of nowhere spooking the shit out of us. " Cara rambled.

Danny snickered from in front of her. "Calm down Williams. Looks like you're already spooked out." 

"Shut up, Danny. I like you. I really do. So, dont change that for yourself or I swear I will make this night extremely painful for you." Cara snarled at the boy who just smirked at her. She was not joking. This place looked like the exact copy of the houses in the old horror movies. 

"Where have you seen worse." Stiles questioned. 

Cara made her way, stiffly to Allison and Lydia who looked at Cara and shrugged.

"Listen up. The meets been pushed till tomorrow. This is the closest motel with the most vacancies and least amount of good judgement when it comes to accepting a bunch of degenerates like yourselves. You'll be pairing up. Choose wisely." Coach says. He talks so fast Cara can barely understand what he was saying.

She leans into Isaac before whispering. "I'm suing." She states making the boy laugh.

Cara was freaking out slightly. She didn't think anyone would understand what she's trying to say. This place screamed 'Stay Away' or 'Beware Ghosts.'

Cara, Allison and Lydia decided it would be best if they paired up. The three girls thought it would be best, if none of them paired up with the boys.

Cara grabs a key from Coach and before she could walk away she mutters. "If I die, I will haunt you and then sue you. Don't underestimate my abilities." 

Coach looks at the girl with a scowl but she walks back to the other two girls before he can utter a word.

"And I'll have no sexual perversions perpetrated by you little deviants. Got that? Keep your dirty little hands to your dirty little selves." He  shouts at his students who laugh at his frustration. 

"Stop laughing, Williams!" He yells once more.

Cara's jaw drops and her eyes widen. "I wasn't even- but I - Oh no you don't." She mutters.

"Lydia?" Allison asks after she finally stops laughing at The werewolf's expression. Cara turns to her.

"I don't like this place." Lydia states after being quiet most of the time. 

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