18. Nightmares and Hope

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(Check out Hotel Ceiling by Rixton and Living Room by Heffron Drive. I have been obsessed with the two for a while. XD)

It was difficult. To cope with the fact that you died and came back to life. Something's were private and so sweet, you would want to savour it. But somehow Cara's mind had made some of her sweetest memories into fake despiseful ones.

Cara and Stlies had shared their nightmares with each other. They promised each other that they would be okay. They assured. However neither believed it.

Cara had been staying with Scott as Derek had left Beacon Hills for a while. His broken heart needing time away from the town that only reminded him of bad memories.

However Cara spent most nights at the Stilinski household at the request of the Sheriff. He knew about Stiles' unique relationship with the girl and trusted she could help him with his nightmares. He also knew about the sacrifice she had made for the Three guardians and all three were extremely greatful. Melissa McCall had allowed her to stay at her house because she knew of the reoccurring dreams and didn't want her staying alone.

Mama McCall had become a second mother to her. She trusted her with problems only a mother could understand. Cara felt like she finally had a family. Even if she felt incomplete.

There was a darkness around her. And she felt it. Everyday. It was terrible. She was having Hallucinations and she found herself faint like. It was difficult for sure. But she was managing, even if it was barely. But if she had made it so far. She could more.

Cara felt like she was constantly drowning. And though someone would save her she would fall right back and the suffering would continue.

It was one specific nightmare that she would have. One that left her so drained every time it would happen. It was the thing she feared most. Betrayal and Loosing people she loved. It was an image she wanted to erase completely.

It wasn't the fear of heights or the fear of water that terrified you. It was the fear of falling and the fear of drowning. However the fear of Loosing someone was worse when, in the past, you felt like you had already lost everyone. When you feel like you have lost everything because you lost your family, your heart and your soul, it's hard to tell yourself that it won't happen again. Because it has. Too many times.


Cara found herself at the Stilnski house once more as she didn't want to be alone.

Cara fell asleep cuddling Stiles as he listened to her heartbeat that would get faster every now and then.

The couple had finally gotten some sleep from a sleepless week but they doubted they would have a dreamless one.

Cara was stood in a graveyard one that held the decaying corpse of her family. She stood in front of her brothers tomb stone with flowers and and kneeled down, placing the flowers on the ground.

Suddenly the scene had changed and her hair whipped back and forth as a powerful gust of wind blew. In front of her were the bodies of her family and friends. All the people who she cared about laid on the dirty ground, completely motionless.

Cara ran forward but was stopped by her own self. A hint of evil was shown in her eyes but Cara felt anger. Anger at the person who stared at herself with a smirk. That was her. Her anger changed to confusion as she stated at the seemingly other Cara.

"Who are you?" Cara asked herself, the other girls smirk only growing.

"I'm you." She stated simply and Cara narrowed her eyes at her.

"You did this, didn't you?" Cara says but when she saw her face she knew the answer. "If you did this. I'm not you,nor will I ever be!"

The girl cackeled menacingly and opened her mouth to speak. "Oh but you will. One day. You will be me. A Monster. A killer." She snarled.

Cara shook her head. "I'd rather die then be anything near you." She spat.

The girl pushes her forward, disappearing completely. She stared at the floor with a heavy heart as the same voice whispered repeatedly. " One day. You will be me. A Monster. A killer."

"A killer of people I love." Cara whispers tears falling down her face.

Cara's small hands wrapped around the thin blanket with a lot of pressure. It was the fear. Her forehead was covered in sweat and her hair stuck to her neck uncomfortably. The sweat on her body glistend in the moonlight that was scattered through the window. Her lips quivered and her hands trembled as soft whimpers would escape her mouth every now and then. Tears had started falling down her face as the nightmare played in her mind which was already a cluttered mess. She took in a sharp breathe and her eyes shoot open as she sits up in a flash, alerting Stiles as he gets up in panic and spots his girlfriend shaking with quiet sobs.

"Hey, hey. You're okay. You're okay. It was just a dreams." He whispered as Cara's head rested on his chest as he held her.

"It was so real. It felt so real." Cara says her voice shaking as she pulled out of the hug and looked everywhere but the boys eyes.

"Hey, hey, hey. It's not real. I'm okay. Everyone is okay." Stiles assured as Cara nodded weakly and fell back in his arms, tears falling down her face silently. "This. This is real."

Stiles kissed her head softly making the girl melt into his embrace.

Footsteps padded against the wooden floors of the house and the door creaked open, The Sheriffs head popping through the small gap. His face showed concern when he noticed Cara in the arms of his sons with tears streaming down her face. The Sheriff sighed as he suspected another nightmare.

Stiles nodded at his dad when he noticed the man, conforming his thoughts. He smiled at his son sadly, noticing the look of worry in his eyes.

When Cara had finally managed to understand that it was, in fact a dream, she pulled out of the hug and sat in silence.

Stiles' eyes were fixated on the bed covers until he finally broke the silence.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Stiles asks finally looking up to her. She hesitantly glanced at him and felt almost all her worries wash away when her eyes met his. She really did like him. He understood her. He felt what she felt. The two of them were going through the same and that was probably the biggest part of their relationship.

"It was the same one." Cara admits. "But it was worse. It felt so real."

Stiles smiled at her sadly and nodded.
"This is never gonna end, is it? We will always have something to worry about it and it will never end." Cara tells him quietly and he looks at her with so much emotion.

"It doesn't matter though. Cuz we have each other to stay sane, to stay human." Stiles answers.

"Humans aren't sane." Cara says shaking her head although a small smile playing on her lips.

"Then I guess its good we're different." Stiles grins. Cara nods with a giggle.

"Who said being insane was bad?"

"You know all the good ones are."

Cara smiles and intertwined her hands with his, leaning into a sweet kiss.

The two grin in the kiss and rest their heads on each others when they got out of breathe.

"We'll be okay." Stiles mumbles into her hair.

"We will."


This was honestly just a small filler chapter with barely 1000 words. I really wanted to update somehow so I did a small filler. Hope full the next will be somewhat longer. I'm extremely excited for the chapters to come. I've got a lot planned for this part of the book.

I hope you liked thia cute chapter. It was really just a simple sweet one. It showed a cute part of the Scara relationship.

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