31- Passion

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After Cara had checked with Lydia and confirmed that she was in fact with Allison, the teens ran to Stiles' jeep. The jeep skidded to a stop and Cara stumbled out, almost falling before being caught by Stiles. 

"Coach!" Cara shouted as she and Stiles jog to the said man. 

"Stilinski? Williams?" The Coach stuttered, holding his whistle. 

Stiles cuts off the teacher. "Coach, listen close, Cara go stop them." 

Cara nods running fast to stop the students as later she sees the Coach, Aiden and Stiles running too, they come to a stop once they see Kira in Scott's arms. "Scott!" 

Scott turns around and looks at Stiles who was running with them close by. 

"Stop! Stop! Everybody get back! Stop!" Cara yelled stopping quickly and holding her arms out to stop them from coming forward. Everyone skidded to a stop as she breathes a sigh of relief. 

Stiles bends down looking for something in the bundle of leaves that lay scattered on the floor. He finds a chain and follows it to an end but to everyone's frustration, the chain is not connected to anything. Cara sighs in frustration wiping her face. 

The Coach applauded sarcastically. "Congratulations Stilinski, you found a length of chain. Williams?" 

Coach turned to look at Cara who was standing on the side awkwardly, everyone else looks at her too. "Can somebody now, please tell me what the hell is going on?"

As the man spoke he walked forward but not before Cara and Scott notice a white string ahead of the step. 

"Hey, Coach!" Scott warns but to no avail as an arrow shoots the Coach in his stomach, he looks at the arrow, without a reaction and collapses on the floor. 

Everybody rushes to the mans aid as he lazily moves his head in pain, Stiles and Cara both share a look as her, Scott, Aiden and Stiles crouch next to him. Everybody surrounds the group of teens with horror stricken faces. 

Coach starts to scream in agony and Cara couldn't help but flinch at the sound as she pushed her hand on his wound to stop the bleeding. 

"I could take out the arrow but I can't tell if it's hit an organ." Cara yells shaking her head as blood continued to pour out. Cara's hand along with Stiles was tinted in the man's blood. 

"Get it out of me! Get it out of me! Get it out of me! Oh my go, I'm going to die!" The Coach rushed out, his arms and legs shaking vigorously as Aiden grabbed his hand to calm him down. 

"Coach." Cara tries to calm him. "You're gonna be okay, I promise." 

The coach continues to scream out 'I'm going to die' and Stiles stops him. "Coach, you're not gonna die." 

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