11. Flashbacks and Lies

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I made this gif and it makes me very happy. Xx

Everybody mourns differently. They shut down, they get angry, they cry or they hide. Hide from the pain, plan their revenge and mourn.

Derek was gone. They didn't know where he was but they needed to find him and fast. Stiles was at the loft along with Cara and Cora.

Stiles was getting impatient. All he wanted to do was keep his friends safe. He knew he needed answers, so he went to the people who have basically known Derek his whole life.

"They stayed there for two days." Cara starts, after Cora had told him the story. "That's what we're taught to do when the hunters find us...hide and heal."

"Okay, so is two days, standard, then, or are we thinking Derek's on some extended getaway?" Stiles asks, pacing back and forth.

"Why do you care?" Cora asks turning around to look at him.

"Why do I care? Let's see...because over the last few weeks, my best friend tried to kill himself. A girl that is one of my closest friends, almost killed herself. My best friends boss nearly got ritually sacrificed. A girl that I've known since I was three was ritually sacrificed. Boyd was killed by Alphas. I.. Do you want me to keep going? Cause I can, all right. For like an hour." Stiles listed,

"Stiles. We get it." Cara says softly.

"You think Derek can do anything about that?" Cora asks walking towards him.

"Well since, he's the one everyone is after, its more like he should do something about it, yeah." Stiles replied, rubbing his neck.

"I dont know. There's something different about him now. He wasn't like this when we knew him." Cora answered.

"Pain changes a person Cora." Cara said quietly. Derek and Cara were always best friends, despite the age. When Derek was a teenager, Cara was barely one. He trusted her. She trusted him. He was like the younger version of Aaron, and that, to her, was the most admirable feature about him. Unfortunately, Peter was also one of Derek's closest friends, he trusted her and she did too. Derek, Laura, Cara and Aaron were on the run for a while but they were together but a few years later they separated much to Cara and Derek's dismay.

They separated with heavy hearts but a promise to meet again.

"What was he like?" Stiles asked Cara, who had suddenly grown extremely quiet.

Before Cara could answer, Peter walked down the stairs interrupting them completely. "A lot like Scott actually."

Cara couldn't possibly agree more. The two had similar characteristics and were both incredible leaders. Everybody mistook Derek's character, they think he was just a troubled boy with simple family issues but if you dive in just a little more, you would recognize the darkness that follows over him like a shadow.

He was just a boy in love.

"A lot like most teenagers... unbearably romantic, profoundly narcissistic, tolerable really only to other teenagers." Peter states making his way towards the group.

"What is up with you Hale's hating teenagers?" Cara mumbled.

"So what happened? What changed him?" Stiles asks.

"Well the same thing that changes a lot of young men... A girl." Peter tells him.

"You're telling me that some girl broke his little heart? That's why Derek is the way he is?" Stiles quipped.

"No. You're not trying to understand." Cara says shaking her head. "It was much more then that."

Peter nods his head in agreement and continues. "Do you remember Derek before he was an Alpha and had blue eyes? Do you know why some wolves have blue eyes?"

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