Chapter 1: Beginnings

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Uh, Hi. I am NintendoNinja7, and I have some explaining to do...

Where should I start? Maybe it's best to start from the beginning: The Creation. Before the Universe existed, there were three deities, Chaoxys, Gaia, and Solaris. These three were eternally equal.

These three were completely pure, and protected the original nothingness from impurity. One day, out of boredom, they decided to create something nice. Gaia used her amazing powers over elements to create an orb of incredible beauty. She called it "Earth," and watched over it dearly.

Chaoxys decided to help, and used his power over Spirit to create Life and Souls. He sent departed souls to be with them, in the land of "Ultitrium." He cared for Life as dearly as Gaia cared for Earth.

Solaris thought their ideas were strange, but interesting. After long thought, he decided to join in. Solaris created "Energy," and infused it into the Earth and all living things. He also created the Sun and the stars, to help keep the Universe balanced.

In order for everything to work correctly, they needed one more thing: "Time." The three infused their power into the nothingness, and pushed existence forward. They then created the "Ultiforce," an item that would lock Time into place.

They realized the Ultiforce was incredibly dangerous in the possession of something negative, and so they placed limits. Solaris created a "Law." This law stated that nothing was allowed to use the Ultiforce for Unjust purposes. They then broke it into three pieces, and scattered them into the Universe.

The three continued to add to this "Universe," until it was too large to comprehend. Chaoxys realized that the life he created could show negativity. He didn't want this negativity to contaminate the Universe, and created another Law.

This law stated that Life had to be very rare, as the meeting of multiple living things would create negativity. In order to prevent battles and wars, he spread populations as far as possible from one another. This also meant that planets with life would be kept far away from the others.

Even after all of the Universe was created, the Earth was the main focus of the Deities. Gaia loved making the Earth beautiful, and Chaoxys loved making Life. They also created Cycles to keep everything in balance, like Water and Air.

Together, they created Humans and Animals, as well as something new: "Monsters." Chaoxys' favorite creatures, besides humans, were usually monsters. He created many kinds of Monsters and Beasts.

Gaia loved humans the most as well. As long as humans respected nature, she respected them. But not all humans respected nature. As punishment for human wrongdoings, she created "Disaster." This was to show what Earth would do to the bad humans, and wasn't done because of hate.

Solaris did hate the humans, however. He saw how they treated the Earth, Monsters, and each other. He wanted an excuse to destroy them all. His first plan was to use the Ultiforce, but realized that would be breaking his own law.

*Monsters were things like Dragons, Giants, Wolf-Men, Phoenixes, Elves, Sphinxes, Orcs, Trolls, Giant Spiders, etc.

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