Chapter 6: Expansion

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Many Centuries passed since Alpha-Gaia sealed herself into the Earth. Humans were the most Intelligent beings on the Earth, and they created larger Civilizations for their people.

The stories of the Deities, the monsters, and the Chaos gems became legend. Humans became more prevalent, and Wars became more frequent. It seemed like life would only get more difficult for these people. Then one day, a stranger appeared.

His name was Raison, and he claimed to be a wizard. He said he was able to perform amazing feats of Magic, and see invisible creatures. Most people thought he was crazy, or being possessed by Demons.

Some people, however, completely trusted him. He showed the believers things they had never seen, like Magical Spells and Monstrous Beasts. A few of these believers became his Apprentices and Allies.

He taught his Apprentices about Ulti Earth, and how he could see incredible things from his birth. He taught them how to perform magic, and how to interact with the beasts from the other world.

He was very wise, and very careful. He would not teach anyone these things unless he had complete trust in them. He also made sure to warn them about the bad things he saw in his visions.

One day, in his dream, he saw a Medallion that shone like the Sun. He felt its incredible heat, and was terrified of it. The next day, he saw a Dagger that was darker than coal. It seemed to suck all hope away. This vision made him even more scared.

On the third day, he saw a man take the dagger, and use it to stab the medallion. A brilliant light appeared, and everything was gone. A powerful deity called "Solaris" had been freed from his prison.

Solaris proceeded to kill all living things, and destroy the Earth.

Raison screamed. He almost couldn't believe what he had seen, but he knew he had received a vision of the Future. He wasn't sure if he could prevent it, but he needed to try. He gathered all of his followers, and chose 99 of the most powerful and trustworthy.

Along with himself, this would make 100 people. He informed them that something terrible would soon happen, and he needed as many brave people as he could find. He would teach them how to use advanced magic, and how to use weapons.

This group was named the InterKnights, and was the first group of humans to learn Chivalry. He then gathered all 100 of them, and set off to search for the Dagger and Medallion. If he could collect both of  them first, no one would be able to release Solaris.

*Before the story continues, here is some information you should know:

The word "InterKnights" was chosen for a specific reason. "Inter" means between, and represented Raison seeing two different worlds. "Knight" was chosen to represent the Night, as the Night was dark - the opposite of Solaris, who was as bright as the Sun in Raison's vision.

Some descendants of the InterKnights didn't believe the stories about Raison. They created their own "group." They took the word "Inter" from the name, and called themselves "Knights." This group evolved into one of the largest and most powerful nations on Earth.

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