Chapter 16: The Chase

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One thing was for sure: Today would be a long day.

I started running. I was conserving my energy, in preparation for battle. I jumped into the trees, bounding between them. CRASH.

I turned around. SegaNinja8, MicrosoftNinja13, EANinja3, and CapcomNinja6 were tailing me. They fired spells in succession, tearing down the forest. I dodged a spell, and sped up.

I saw a mountain in the distance, and went towards it. The others were catching up, and more had joined the chase. NintendoNinja7, ActivisioNinja11, BlizzardNinja9, and KonamiNinja5 were not far behind.

I flew past at break-neck speed, dodging and blocking spells that came close. Nintendo performed Wyndov Maximum, destroying everything in a One mile radius. I used a magic shield as protection, and continued to run.

The Mountain was looming closer, so I teleported to the top. From there, I saw continued explosions in the forest. I performed Leafed Rage, which caused the Plants to attack the InterNinjas.

Then, a familiar voice filled my mind. I could hear Aos, but he wasn't just talking to me. He was talking to the entire planet. "You humans... such pathetic beings. So insignificant compared to me and my power. You do not deserve to exist any longer, and you will soon be annihilated."

"I am commencing the Countdown to Chaos. In exactly 23 hours and 17 minutes, I will commence the end of all things. Enjoy the finale of your lives."

What?! How did Aos expect to reunite with Omega-Solaris, and destroy the Earth within 24 hours? Even for him, it would be almost impossible. "How much of a Monster must you be... to just destroy everything you helped create, with no remorse?! Solaris, I promise you, your Sins will be punished!!"

I yelled at the sky. I just couldn't believe this situation. All of my friends, under control. Aos planning to destroy the Earth. And the only person that could stand in his way would be me...

No time to think. Konami teleported right in front of Me. Time to fight. I summoned a Wynd Sword, which clashed with Konami's Electra Sword.

I kicked Konami, and pushed him off the cliff. I then jumped after him, and we entangled swords. We began to fly around the mountain. I occasionally ran on the side of the rocks, in an attempt to confuse Konami.

Then, Blizzard shot at Me. I dodged, and spun between the two. The other InterNinjas began to approach, so I teleported once more. I was now in London, observing a frightening scene. People ran for their lives, Riots erupted everywhere, and children screamed.

The Moon shone Black, and the clouds spun. Waves crashed into the shores, and animals started hiding anywhere they felt safe. The sky glowed red. If there was an End of the World, this was it.

*Aos' message was sent to everyone on Earth, which caused mass panic.

*It isn't just London. The entire world is experiencing the same situation.

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