Chapter 19: Oblivion

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"What does that mean!?" I asked. "You'll find out soon enough" he responded. Aos continued his ritual, as more darkness crept from the ground. After a few moments, Aos began to speak again.

"They say Gaia split her body shortly after my first defeat. Afterwards, she lost control of her Omega counterpart. She sealed the dark beast within your Moon, where it could never escape... without assistance, at least."

The tentacles had me locked in place, so I couldn't move. I tried to think up an escape plan, so I started asking questions as a distraction. "Why do you need Omega-Gaia? I thought you were going to free Omega-Solaris from his prison instead...

"Why, I would be glad to tell you. And by the way, those tentacles are made of pure Darkness. You can't escape from them." It was as if he read my mind. But I didn't believe him. There had to be some way to escape.

"First, let me thank you for coming here. I will tell you everything you wish to know. My first plan was to reunite with my Omega counterpart. Once I was released onto the Earth, however, I found some useful information."

"I discovered what happened to Gaia, and found I could use this to my advantage. When we deities split ourselves, we become two different entities: A Conscious form and a Physical form."

"According to The Ultimate Law, everything has both Light and Darkness within, including us. When we split, the Light and Darkness each go to different halves. With me, my Dark powers went to my consciousness. The Light was transferred to Omega-Solaris."

"With Gaia, The darkness traveled to her Physical half. This information is all that I care for. If I can merge with Omega-Gaia, I will have complete control over Darkness. Just Look around you." The tentacles moved my head around.

"If I merge with Omega-Gaia, I will gain power from every bit of darkness in the Universe. As Solaris, my original powers allowed me to create Light. However, wherever light exists, darkness follows." He was telling the truth. The effect of light gives everything a Shadow.

"Just Imagine. From my Solaris half, I will have power over Light, and all forms of Energy. And from my Gaia half, I will have power over all forms of Matter. Add that to my new powers over Darkness, and I will be Invincible!"

"Sadly, I lost my Time controlling powers when I split during our earlier battle. Once, I have merged again, I will use the Ultiforce to retrieve them." I shut my eyes in horror and frustration. I came this far, just to lose? Aos would destroy the Universe, and possibly more, if I couldn't stop him...


"Ah, it looks like the ritual is complete. Say hello, would you?" Aos stood back, as the Moon quaked. Lava and Darkness burst from the ground in a huge explosion thousands of miles away, on the other side of the Moon.

"Let's check it out," Aos said. He teleported us to the other side of the Moon, where we floated in mid-space. "Oh My Holy..."

I didn't need to finish, as nothing could express what I was seeing. Miles below, Sticking out from the Moon, was a Monster the size of a Small Country: Omega-Gaia.

Aos launched himself at her, and began to Merge. A flash of light, then nothing. I opened my eyes, then wished I hadn't. This new Deity was more fearsome than I could've possibly imagined. It roared a Demonic Roar, then turned to the Earth.

"I never liked that planet anyway." The Deity fired a beam of light straight at the Earth. The Earth was completely Vaporized by the blast, thus ending all life. "Call me... OBLIVION," the Beast said calmly.

*Aos has merged with Omega-Gaia, creating a completely new Deity: Oblivion.

*The Earth has been completely destroyed. The only remaining human is Namco.

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