Chapter 22: The Final Chaos

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I jumped from one building to another, then dodged a thrown truck. I barely had time to flip out of the way of an incoming Shadow Ball, as I deflected another with my sword. Oblivion proceeded to fire a beam of Black Energy at me, which I blocked with a magic shield.

A Tornado appeared out of nowhere (How can a tornado exist in a portal, anyway?), so I ripped through it with my blade, and fired Firun Maximum at Oblivion. He summoned a Meteor to block the attack, then threw it at me. I used the Wynd Cannon to blast it apart, then used Electra Volt Maximum on incoming Shadow Balls.

Oblivion charged another beam, and fired. I got ready to dodge, but I was surrounded by Shadow Balls again. I used Teleportation to pass them, then flew at Oblivion. Suddenly, Oblivion grew 6 arms, each holding a giant Blade. I clashed with one, but he started to overlap them, pushing me back. I did a Buzzsaw Spin, pushing the blades away.

I barely dodged another beam, then rushed in to stab Oblivion. I stuck my sword into his chest, converted it into a Wynd Cannon, then fired at Point-Blank range. It blew a gaping hole into Oblivion, exposing his Core. Before I could attack it, however, he threw me away.

I had to end this battle soon, as I was running out of power. Oblivion healed himself again, then laughed. "You can't kill me, so why try? You have already failed your mission. The Earth is gone, and everyone is dead. What is left to protect? There is nothing left!"

"You don't understand, do you? It doesn't matter if there is Nothing left... You deserve less than Nothing. Do you hear me? I will stop you... I WILL DEFEND EVERYTHING, AND NOTHING, FROM YOU!!" Incredible Power surged through me. I was a Blazing Golden Warrior, and Oblivion wasn't going to stop me.

I forced all of my power into my Wynd Sword, creating Wynd Sword: Ulti-Maxima. I launched at Oblivion faster than Light. He held all of his swords up, as protection. He then fired another beam, straight at me. It didn't matter.

I shot through the beam like it was nothing, ripped his blades to pieces, and pushed into his Core with Maximum Force. It was so much force that I pushed him through the Magic Shield, to the other side of the portal. The portal closed behind us, leaving us in the Void, with the Ultiforce and Omega-Solaris.

I felt very weak. I coughed up some blood, then realized the worst... I had ran out of Power. The 7 Chaos Gems surrounded me, completely drained of energy. I looked at Oblivion, expecting him to have been defeated. I was so wrong.

Oblivion was healing, and noticed me immediately. I had done incredible damage to his body, and almost destroyed his Core. He then saw the Chaos Gems, and smiled. I was tired, but I had to stop him. He couldn't get the Ultiforce.

As soon as he was fully healed, he attacked. I made a magic shield, which shattered. He proceeded to punch me, then launch a Shadow Ball at me. I couldn't take much more, or I would die. I pretended to fall unconscious, hoping Oblivion would believe it. Somehow, he did.

Oblivion pushed me out of the way, then did something unexpected. He grabbed the Chaos Gems, and attempted to absorb their power. Had he forgotten about the Ultiforce entirely? Then I had an idea. I slowly made my way to the Ultiforce, hoping Oblivion wouldn't notice. Once he was sure he couldn't use the Chaos Gems, he turned to the Ultiforce.

Unfortunately for him, I made it first. He looked on in Horror, seeing me with Time in my possession. "You made a terrible mistake, attacking the Earth. Now it's time for me to fix it." "NOOO!!"

*Namco now has the Ultiforce, giving him complete control over time.

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