Chapter 2: Battle of Betrayal

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Solaris infused energy into the Earth's Atmosphere, and created "Lightning," to strike humans down. This made Gaia furious. Solaris apologized, and said he would make it up for her. He asked her to make him a large rock, and she did.

Solaris pretended to make it into a gift, and then pretended to drop it by mistake. The rock crashed into the Earth with such force, it killed almost all living things. Chaoxys saw so many souls enter Ultitrium at once, he knew something had happened.

Gaia was not fooled. She knew Solaris hated humans, and had killed them all on purpose. Chaoxys and Gaia decided that Solaris had become Impure. They banished him from the Inner Universe and from Ultitrium.

As Solaris fled, Gaia created the final Law. This law was that all living things must Love each other, or face eternal punishment. Gaia recreated the humans, and Chaoxys created a world specifically for punishment: "Altizrian."

Solaris was Furious. He now hated everything, including the other Deities. He decided he was above the laws created by himself, Gaia, and Chaoxys. He would use any means necessary to destroy everything, including the Earth.

He searched for the Ultiforce fragments for 1000 years. Once he had found them, he absorbed its Time-controlling powers. He then split and scattered the pieces again, so that no one would share this power.

Because 1000 years had passed, Gaia and Chaoxys didn't think Solaris was still angry with them. It was Solaris' fault, after all. That is why they had no way of seeing the attack coming.

Solaris appeared out of nowhere, and started to circle the Earth. Gaia was very surprised to see him, but very angry he was there after they had banished him.

Before she could ask any questions, Solaris started sucking energy from the cosmos, preparing an attack. Gaia was ready, and held her arm high to block his energy. But Solaris' new power over time was useful beyond doubt.

Solaris shot his ball of energy through time, to before Gaia could raise her arm in defense. It struck Gaia, severely wounding her. However, "Deities" can't die, and she was left to suffer the pain.

Solaris was about to vaporize the Earth, but Chaoxys blocked his way. Solaris decided to go back in time and stop Chaoxys before he arrived, but Chaoxys grabbed him before he could make his move.

Chaoxys knew that the Time-controlling must have come from the Ultiforce. He knew that if Solaris had used the Ultiforce for Evil, than he had broken his own law. And if that was so, then Solaris would do whatever was needed to stop Chaoxys and Gaia.

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