Chapter 5: The Great Divide

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Alpha-Gaia was growing weaker, but the battles wouldn't stop. Something had to be done. She decided that the best thing to do would be to seal Omega-Gaia away forever.

She had the humans construct a large Tower that reached the clouds. She then lead Omega-Gaia to the tower. The two had a huge battle, and the ground shattered beneath them. Alpha-Gaia grabbed Omega-Gaia, and started to focus.

She pushed Omega-Gaia into the tower, and held her in place. Alpha-Gaia then summoned a small Planet, and placed it above the tower. She used all of her power to lock the Omega-Gaia away, inside of the planet.

The planet was then caught by the Earth's Gravity, and circles the Earth to this day. The humans named this planet the Moon, and celebrated its appearance. Alpha-Gaia was not celebrating yet, however.

The monsters she had once helped create were still following Omega-Gaia's last command, to attack and kill humans. She was unsure of what to do. Omega-Gaia's power over them was so strong, she couldn't stop their attacks.

She then had an idea. She flew to the outer reaches of the Cosmos, and called for the 7 Gems of Chaoxys. Once they arrived, she used the combined power to stop the monsters' attacks.

After everything that had happened, the humans had gained a new hatred of these beasts. So Gaia made another decision. She used the power of the Gems to create a Parallel Earth, where the monsters could live in peace.

These two worlds would be connected by invisible links in the fabric of Space and Time. This way, it would still be possible to travel between them. The links would be impossible for regular humans and monsters to use, and could only be seen by Worthy beings.

She named the new, parallel world Ulti-Earth. She had used an incredible amount of power creating Ulti-Earth. Soon, she wouldn't have enough power to regulate the Universe's elements.

Because she was no longer a deity, she could not split her body any further. Her only option would be to seal herself away, like what had been done to Omega-Gaia and Solaris. This way, the elements would be regulated automatically, and she wouldn't need to be present.

The Chaoxys gems went back to their places in deep space. Alpha-Gaia prepared to seal herself into the Earth. She focused, and merged herself into the dirt, into the trees, and into the water.

All three deities were now gone. Each had been sealed away. The Chaoxys gems became famous in many civilizations, however, the shared name was shortened to the "Chaos Gems." Meanwhile, on opposite sides of the Earth, people were worshipping two strange items.

One was a Dagger, Black as Night. Locals called it the "Dagger of Shadow." The other was a Medallion, Hot as the Sun. It was named the "Inferno Medallion."

*This marks the end of the creation period. Next, I will talk about the InterKnights, and the Expansion of Civilization.

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