Chapter 18: Lunar Shadow

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The InterNinjas stopped attacking. In the ensuing destruction, they disappeared. The ground rumbled, trees burned, and the wind blew fiercely.

Monsters and Men alike ran through swarms of people. Some started to fight the monsters, thinking they were demons. Only 10 hours remained until the End of All Things.

I just sat down. What else could I do? I had no idea where Aos was. There was no point in trying to save people, to stop the fights, to prevent disaster. The world would end in 10 hours, and everyone would be destroyed anyway.

If I could figure out where Aos was, and what he was doing, I could fix everything. But where could I find the answers? My mind raced back in time, and I started to remember the good things in life.

I remembered first meeting my friends. I remembered becoming an InterNinja. I remembered my Mother, and how she used to read me bedtime stories... My favorite being "Goodnight Moon."

Wait a second...

"THE MOON!" I yelled in sudden realization. I looked up. The Moon continued to spew shadow, as if it was a Volcano of Darkness. "Of course! Aos is there! But what is he doing? What is all of that Darkness? And how do I get there?!"

My head hurt at this point. InterNinjas could breathe in Space, so that wasn't a problem. The problem was that our Teleportation is limited. It would take a lot of energy to get that far.

Then suddenly, the InterNinjas reappeared. They lunged at me, one by one, with incredible Fury. It wasn't the time to conserve energy anymore, so I used the most powerful spell I know.

"STOPIRO!" This spell instantly stopped them all in place. (I didn't use this spell earlier because it uses so much energy.) With the energy I had left, I performed the next spell: Infusion. This spell transferred all of their energies to me.

Now I had all of the power I needed. As Stopiro wore off, I teleported to the Moon. I performed two more spells. One allowed me to breathe in space, the other made the Gravity equal to the Earth. If I needed to fight, I didn't want moon gravity throwing me around.

I immediately noticed the source of the Darkness: Aos was performing some sort of Ritual. He noticed me, and smiled. "It took you long enough. Let's have some fun now, shall we?"

Shadowy Tentacles shot from the ground, and grabbed me. They held me in place, and tilted my head. They were showing me the Earth. It glowed Red, and it was surrounded by Darkness. "Terrifying isn't it? It shouldn't be. This doesn't come close to what happens next," Aos said.

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