Chapter 21: The Battle for Everything

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"Love. That's your great secret? You want to defeat me with LOVE? What a fool you are." Oblivion knocked Chaoxys to the ground, then raised his own arm. Portals of darkness started to appear in the space.

"I think I'll go take the Ultiforce now." The dark portals combined into one large vortex behind Oblivion."I'll use its power to destroy you before you existed. And no amount of 'Love' is going to stop me!" He entered the portal, which began to close.

It was now or never. "Not on my watch!" I shouted. I charged at the closing portal, and ripped it back open. The portal was like a long, swirling tunnel. At the end of it, I saw the exit. Just outside, Omega-Solaris and the Ultiforce waited.

The vortex proceeded to close behind me, leaving just one way out. Oblivion sped to the other side, towards his prize. I needed a plan, so I thought back to the stories of Sojak, who first used the Chaos Gems. Apparently, Magical powers were amplified by the Gems. "Only one way to find out, I said.

I tried placing a Magic Barrier on the exit, to prevent Oblivion from escaping. The barrier was amplified by the Gems, and it was so powerful that Oblivion couldn't shatter it. "Hmph. I see. You aren't going to make it that easy, are you?" Oblivion said. "Very well, I'll just Kill you, like I did everyone else."

"You just crossed the line!" I fired every spell I knew, and each was amplified One Hundred fold. Oblivion countered, launching his own Blitz of attacks. Spells and Energy collided, creating an Inferno of explosions. A Spear of Shadow narrowly missed my face. I created a Wynd Sword, which was also powered up.

I flew at Oblivion, and my sword clashed with his Shadow Armor. I attacked and attacked, until I finally broke through. I impaled him with light, and split his body in half. I continued to slash, until I was sure he had been defeated.

But then I was grabbed. His body began to reform, as if nothing had just happened. "What do you not understand? I am INVINCIBLE. I am ETERNAL."

He formed a sword of his own. It was humongous, the size of a house. He jabbed it at me, but I blocked it with my own sword. I performed a vertical spinning slash, then kicked away from his hands.

I shot Electragon, and blasted his face away. It quickly reformed, and he started to breathe fire. I dodged, and deflected an incoming Shadow Ball. I flipped, twisted, and dashed to escape all of his attacks. His sword came again, so I slashed at it. They clashed, shooting black sparks everywhere.

Was it true? Was Oblivion really invincible? I highly doubted the power from the Chaos Gems would last forever, so I had to figure something out quickly. I pushed his sword away, then converted my blade into a Wynd Bow. I began to fire Wynd arrows at his eyes, to blind him.

Oblivion just blew them away, and released his Fury with a cluster of Shadow Waves. "This is getting boring," I said. "Let's end it." I transformed my Wynd Bow again, this time into a Wynd Cannon.

I proceeded to fire it at Oblivion's chest. So much energy was released from the weapon, it shot me backwards like a rocket. I looked back at Oblivion, and noticed something peculiar. In the midst of his reforming pieces, there was Red Sphere. Was that his Core? A weak spot maybe?

"Let's do this" I said quickly. I reconverted my cannon into a sword, and spun towards Oblivion. I infused a ton of power into the blade, and stabbed the Core. Oblivion released a violent scream, and was then silent. Had I beaten him?


The Vortex around me suddenly grew dark. I heard vicious laughter, which sounded all too familiar. Everything became Black and Red, and lightning shot from all directions. A terrible sound filled my ears, like a Dubstep song made of Children's Screams, and Nails on Chalkboard.

Oblivion reappeared, and wasn't happy. "So, you found my Core? Cores are like the Hearts of Deities... Now that you've discovered mine, I won't hold back!"

I was shot backwards. When I opened my eyes, I saw that all Order had been erased. Oblivion transformed into a second form, one I could only compare to a Demon. He proceeded to conjure familiar things, like Skyscrapers, and throw them at me. I avoided the first one, then they began to come from all directions. And I thought the Earth was Chaotic...

*Deities have Cores, which are very similar to human hearts. They serve as a weak point for them.

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