Chapter 2: Transferee 1

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Milly woke up early that day since she has something important to do as the school president.

Upon arriving at school, she immediately heads to the Principal's Office.

"Good morning, sir," she greeted as she enters the room.

"Good morning, Milly. You are as early as expected. Anyway, here's the schedule of the transferees. I expect you to welcome them properly," said the principal as he hands over the papers needed by Milly.

"We will exceed your expectations, sir. Leave them to us," said the president confidently before leaving.

As the bell rings, Milly heads to the classroom.

"Everyone, settle down. Today, a new student enrolled in our school. I hope you will treat her well. Please come and introduce yourself," said the teacher.

A timid, bright red-haired girl walks in the room with her head down. She slowly lifts up her head as she faces her new classmates.

"I'm Kallen Kozuki. Pleased to meet you," she said in a rather soft voice.

"Don't be shy. Don't worry, I will tour you around the school. I will take good care of you so just relax, okay?" Milly said to ease the new student.

"That would be great, Milly," said the teacher. "You could seat next to Shirley at the back."

Shirley waves her hand as a signal for Kallen to know where she would seat. Kallen walks to her seat and she was a bit irritated at a raven-haired guy seating in front of Shirley when he yawns and sleeps again.

"Lelouch!! Don't you dare sleep in my class!!" yelled the teacher who had been trying to be patient ever since noticing the sleeping Lelouch right at the beginning of class.

Kallen clicked her tongue in irritation and Shirley noticed what she did.

"Don't be mad at him. He's like that but he's a nice guy, I assure you," Shirley said with a warm smile.

"Is that so?" Kallen simply responded as she sits down on the seat beside Shirley.

Lunch break came earlier than Kallen expected. As she was fixing her things, Milly approached her.

"Kallen, let's go at the cafeteria first to buy lunch then I will tour you around. Let's eat lunch together at the Student Council room after that," she said.

"S-sure," Kallen replied.

The two heads to the cafeteria and buys lunch.

"Anyway, here's your class schedule and don't worry about memorizing it since we have the same schedule. Also, I saw your previous records and I'm impressed. You're an outstanding student and it would be a great help if someone like you is a member of the council. Would you like to join?" Milly asked.

"Well, I'm not so sure," Kallen replied timidly.

"No worries, you're invited anytime you want."

Milly showed Kallen every nook and cranny of the school. She tells her crazy stories to entertain the transferee.

"I hope you enjoyed the tour despite the tiredness," said Milly as they enter the Student Council room.

"You finished the tour on time as expected," said Rivalz.

"Of course, anyway, they are the members of the Student Council. Ask them anything if you want something," said Milly. Kallen simply nodded in response.

"I'm going," said Lelouch and it irritated Kallen because of his rudeness."I have some business I need to attend to."

"Where are you going this time? We will be having a meeting after eating," complained Shirley.

"I will be back as soon as possible," Lelouch replied. He gets his bag and pats Shirley's head before leaving.

"Tsk. That brat comes and goes whenever he wants. Rivalz, do you know what kind of business he have?" Milly asked.

"Well, I heard that there's a chess game being played by nobilities at the Britannian Hall," replied Rivalz. Milly facepalmed and shook her head.

"Please forgive my brother's actions," Nunally apologized.

"Don't apologize, Nunally. He's just like that. Lelouch is Lelouch," Milly said.

"She's right. Though he's addicted in gambling, he's a nice guy. He cares for you a lot," Shirley agreed. With that sentence, Kallen immediately catch the grasp of the relationship of the two.

"So, she likes that guy," she thought.

When the classes ended, Kallen heads home and was greeted by her mother, a maid in her house.

"Welcome back, young lady," said the pale-looking maid.

Kallen ignored her despite the fact that she is her mother. She heads to her room and lays down on her bed.

"So that's Lelouch. The guy who gave up his position as one of the heirs of the throne. Tch, nobilities do piss me off. His rudeness ticks me off it makes me want to kill him," she said. "But something feels different about that other transferee."

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