Chapter 32: Princess Cornelia

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Early in the morning, the Black Knights are gathered in the luxurious living room, waiting for Zero to give his command on when they will face Princess Cornelia.

While the others are waiting, CC is done wearing Zero's outfit. She will be once again be acting as Zero's double for today's plan.

"I know I don't have to remind you but just in case, don't take any action beyond our plan. Just pretend to be Zero and I will take care of the others, got that?" Lelouch said.

"Yeah, yeah," CC replies without giving much attention to the former prince.

The two both left their room and head to the meeting room where the others are patiently waiting. CC sits beside Kallen and smirks at her.

"You're going to have a good time, Kallen," she says but the red-haired girl simply rolled her eyes out of irritation. Talking back to this green-haired witch will surely drain her energy and she would feel tired just before the battle begins.

"Our main goal for today's attack is to kill Princess Cornelia. It won't look like murder since I am sure that she will try to attack us with her unit. Kallen and CC will be in the Gawain since they'll think that I will be in there. Your main goal is to lure the princess out from her knightmare. I will be piloting Vincent and fight alongside the others. As for the other details, I will instruct it later," Lelouch says as he puts on his mask.

"Why do I have to be paired up with this annoying brat?" Kallen mumbled under her breathe but the green-haired witch was able to hear it making her smirk.

"I will be in your care," CC whispers to Kallen and blows on her ears which sent goosebumps to the red-haired girl.

"You make me sick," Kallen scoffed but she was ignored by the woman who wore her mask and heads to the Gawain.

"It's time to test what Vincent is capable of," Zero said to no one in particular before entering the Knightmare Frame.

With the two women leading the group, the Knightmare Frames took flight and left the island. On the other hand, Princess Cornelia and her troupe were about to depart, news had come to her about the arrival of the Black Knights.

"It seems they are expecting us," the princess commented as she enters in her own knightmare. "But either way, we'll take them on. Guilford, you take care of the other Black Knights, I will take Zero on alone."

"Yes, Your Highness," Guilford obidiently obliged and he also ordered his men to keep an eye on the other members of the rebels.

"What a surprise, Zero!" the princess greeted. "It seems you have visited us without even informing me."

"It ain't a surprise at all, princess. We just took the initiative to come here since you're about to pay us a visit," CC replied. "It would be such a discourtesy if we have to let you come all the way to us."

"How can you copy Zero perfectly like that?" Kallen commented.

"Well, it's just a matter of observation, dear," the green-haired witch replied. " You've been observing Lelouch for a long time so I bet you could also be a perfect decoy for him."

"Shut up, woman," the redhead replied.

The Gawain lunged at the princess' knightmare but the princess was able to stop their attack. The princess' knightmare grabbed the Gawain's hand and tried to severe it from its main body but Kallen's reflexes stopped it from happening. With a smile, CC activated the Gawain's slash harken. The princess immediately lets go of the hand of her enemy and activated her shield to protect herself from the impact of the slash harken.

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