The Meeting

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A month has passed by with the Black Knights on standby. Lelouch has given his team some time to fully rest and be prepared for their next move.

He has a strong feeling that he will not be the only one prepared. Suzaku has been training with his Lancelot making it obvious that they are up to something.

CC has been talking casually with Marianne through Anya, without the knowledge of Lelouch. She does not want to bother him so he could focus on upcoming with their next plan.

Shirley, on the other hand, is going around town to buy things for the Student Council. She is on her way to the mall to buy some cloth. The crowded streets are making her dizzy so she stopped on a small alley to take a break.

"Whew, why is it so hot today?" she sighed as she fanned herself with her hand.

"I agree," she heard a voice behind her. She looked back and saw a white-haired guy wearing headphones.

"Oh," she simply said, "Hi."

"You seem to be doing well with Lelouch," the guy said.

"Uh" Shirley suddenly felt uncomfortable, "You could say that but who are you?"

"Mao," the white-haired guy replied. "But do you really know who he is?"

"Of course, we have known each other for quite a long time."

Mao smirked, "Are you sure? He has this side of him that you have no clue about. If you find out who he is and what he did, you will change your mind on how you see him."

With that said, Mao turned back and left Shirley dumbfounded.

"What was that?" she asked herself before going back her way.

Upon reaching the mall, Lelouch called her.

"Where are you right now?" Lelouch asked upon answering the call.

"I'm at the mall," she replied happily. "IS something the matter?"

"Wait for me," he said. "I will accompany you. You can't possibly be goinf around all by yourself."

Upon hanging up, Shirley went to buy the things she needed.

"He has this side of him that you have no clue about." Mao's voice echoed in her mind which is unsettling. She does have the feeling that something is off with Lelouch. There might be things that he is hiding from everyone.

"No!" she yelled in her mind as she shakes her head. "Lulu is Lulu."

After buying the set of cloth, she waited at the entrance of the mall for Lelouch.

"Sorry, have you waited long?" asked Lelouch upon spotting her from the crowd.

"Not really," she replied. "Thanks for coming."

On their way back to school, Shirley cannot stop the urge of asking Lelouch about the white-haired guy.

"Lulu," she called out.

Lelouch looked at her as a sign that she has his attention.

"By any chance, do you know who Mao is?" she asked.

"Mao?" Lelouch repeated and it suddenly rang to him. "What about him?"

"I met him a while back. He is saying something about you. Maybe badmouthing you? Or not? He asked me if I trully know you and he told me that there is something about you that I do not know about."

"Ah, that Mao is mentally ill so don't take his words seriously. He has been seeing a psychologist to deal with his illness," Lelouch simply said.

"I see," Shirley responded happily. "It is impossible that you are hiding something. You are Lelouch anyway."

"Another pest is needed to be removed," Lelouch thought.

On the other hand, CC is currently having tea with Marianne in a nearby cafe.

"Aren't you going to join us?" Marianne asked after taking a sip from her tea. "This might be the last time I am going to ask you this."

"Joining you would be pointless," CC replied. "Furthermore, it is more interesting to watch things unfold by Lelouch's side, don't you think?"

Marianne chuckled, "You are the same as always. You find ways to entertain yourself."

CC simply smiled at her.

"Another trump card has been added in the game," she said. "I won't hold back either, Marianne."

"Ah, Suzaku huh. It will make things easier and you should really give it your best shot," Marianne said, "You might regret it if you didn't."

While the two are having their time, Lelouch caught the lime-green haired witch despite being in a crowd. CC, sensing the stare of her warlock, looks at her side and waves at him.

"Look who's here," Marianne said as she watches the raven-haired guy walk towards their table.

"You seem quite busy," she said to him as Lelouch takes his seat.

"And it looks like you've got a lot of free time," replied Lelouch as he looks at the pink-haired girl, then looks at CC with a glare.

"I think our time is up," Marianne said as she stands up. "I'd like to stay a little longer to have some small talks with you but I have some matters to attend to."

Anya takes her leave and Lelouch watches her back until she is no longer in sight.

"So, this is what you have been doing for the past few weeks?" Lelouch scoffed. "Having some tea and hanging out with that woman?"

"Boya, it is not the time for me to dilly dally when they are already preparing," CC replied, "I gave you some time to have a break because anytime, they'll strike us."

"We're prepared for that," Lelouch boasted but a smirk was formed on the green-haired witch's lips.

"But you have to be more prepared, boya," she said. "They have another trump card up their sleeves."

"Trump card?" Lelouch scoffed, "Why? Do they have another geass user on their side?"

"Exactly," said CC which startled the raven-haired guy. "And not just any geass user, he is someone you know."

"Ain't that interesting?" he said with a grin, excitement filling him up.

As they also take their leave from the cafe, Lelouch remembered what Shirley told him a while back.

"Mao seems to have entered the picture once again," Lelouch said.

"And what do you mean by that?" the witch asked.

"Shirley told me she met him this day, confusing her knowledge of me."

"You must deal with him as fast as you can, boya," CC advised, "That is only if you want to hide your identity as Zero from your girlfriend."

"I know that already," the raven-haired guy replied. "But it would be easier to erase him if you could help. He is obedient when it comes to you."

"You should have realized that he is no longer after me. He is after you for vengeance," said CC, "He won't listen to me anymore since I have abandoned him."

"Vengeance, huh," Lelouch whispered.

"And you should not take off your eyes from Shirley. He might be following her. Furthermore, your rest days are over. We have things to do if you want to win the fight," CC warned before strutting her waynto Lelouch's room.

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