Chapter 23: Zero's Identity

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"What?!!!" Princess Cornelia exclaimed upon receiving the report about the death of Prince Clovis from Guilford. "I'm going to quickly wrap up my work and I will immediately head there."

The princess hits the table with anger. "I will kill you, Zero!!!"

On the other hand, Prince Schneizel couldn't go to Japan since his work overseas is far from being finished. He informed Princess Cornelia that he won't be able to attend the burial of their brother so now, it's up to the princess to face Zero herself.

"One of the respected prince of the Britannian Empire, Prince Clovis, is found dead at the sea shore near the Yokohama port just yesterday. According to the people who have found the body, the prince was placed on a coffin with the name Zero written on his forehead with blood. Thus, it is concluded that Zero is the killer. The emperor hasn't shown himself yet after the death of the two royalties, Princess Euphemia and Prince Clovis."

"I'm starting to get scared," Shirley commented while they're watching the news at the student council room. "I wonder who Zero is."

"He must hold a grudge against the royal family," Rivalz concluded which made the orange-haired girl worry.

"I wonder if Lelouch is doing fine. He's also a royal member of the royal family. What if his life is at risk?" she thought.

"I hope the emperor will do something about this," Milly muttered as she shiver in fear. "Lelouch has been absent for long. Did he get sick again?"

"I, too, do not know where my brother has gone to," says Nunally, obviously worried that his brother might get caught up with danger.

"So, he isn't informing you where he's going to or what he'll do?" Milly asks.

"Yes," Nunally replied. "He's always been secretive even to me."

"That guy is always doing whatever he wants to," Milly scoffed.

On the other hand, C.C is currently on a speedboat trying to track where Kallen is. She hasn't seen any body floating on the water surface so she dove underwater to look for her. After hours, she saw the red-haired girl unconscious. She immediately grabs her and surfaced.

"Geez, you're heavy," she muttered as she tried her best to put Kallen on the speedboat. Upon doing so, she checked for any pulse and luckily, the red-haired girl is still alive. The green-haired witch applied first aid before going back to the Southern Island where the Black Knights are waiting for her.

"She needs to be treated quickly. Water has entered in her lungs and she might die in asphyxiation," C.C stated as she is fetched on the dock.

"A doctor is waiting inside," Leo replied while Neil and Travis brought Kallen inside the station. "You should've let me escort you."

"Don't worry, Leo, I am fine," C.C said with a smile. "I am a witch. I don't die."

Leo simply stared at the woman standing in front of him before going inside. While Kallen is being treated, the Black Knights are having their rest in the lounge watching the news.

"Two of my children have passed away and it seems that Zero is involved in this matter. The terrorists must be happy that they're getting their wanted revenge little by little with the help of their leader, Zero. But I want to ask the Black Knights, do you know who your leader really is? Do you know his real objective? His real identity?" The emperor says as if he's face to face with the Black Knights.

His remarks has left the Black Knights with doubt and questions swirling in their minds. They pretend that they are not affected by it but deep inside them, only one question needs to be answered; who is behind the mask of Zero?

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