Chapter 13: The Swimming Contest

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Lelouch and C.C are disturbed from their slumber when the alarm clock rings to the point of being annoying.

"Lelouch, stop that thing," C.C groaned who grabs the blanket and covers herself.

"Darn it," Lelouch cursed as he slowly gets up to stop the alarm clock. But upon seeing the time, he immediately fully awakens.

"C.C!! Why'd you adjust the time?"Lelouch snaps. "It's already 9 am!!"

"I thought I turned that thing off last night," replied C.C. "It still rung. I should have thrown it out of the window."

Lelouch hurriedly gets up from bed and heads to the shower. C.C sleeps for another 15 minutes before getting up. She grabs Lelouch's credit card as well as his phone and dials the hotline of Pizza Hut for a delivery.

When Lelouch is ready to leave, Sayoko knocks on his door.

"What is it?" he asks as he opens the door.

"The pizza you ordered," replies Sayoko as she hands him the five boxes of pizza.

"Thanks," he says before closing the door. He puts down the pizza on the table and C.C starts gobbling on her freshly made pizza. Just then, she notices an envelope in between the boxes.

Lelouch left for school and she stays in his room to have a rest.

Dear customer, the Pizza Hut will be holding a Swimming Contest
hosted by Milly Ashford at the Ashford Academy  just this day for a special promo.
The prizes will be
as follows:
1st place--free pizza for a week + Cheese-kun merchandise + date with any Student Council Member
2nd place-- free pizza for 5 days +Cheese-kun merchandise
3rd place-- free pizza for 3 days
We will appreciate if you would cooperate in this activity.

--Pizza Hut

"Free pizza and Cheese-kun merchandise,huh," C.C mutters to herself. "2nd place is enough but annoying Lelouch with free pizza and cheese-kun merchandise is much,much more fun."

C.C finishes her pizza and got out from Lelouch's room. Sayoko bumps into her.

"Miss C.C, is there something you need?" she asks.

"Do you have a spare uniform of Ashford Academy?" the witch asks in return.

"Yes, we have. Please, wait for me," says the maid and takes her leave.

After a few moments, Sayoko returns with the uniform as well as the swimming suit of the academy.

"I am sure you're going to participate in the swimming contest so please use this as well," she says as she hands the clothes to C.C.

"Thank you," replies C.C. She walks back in Lelouch's room and changes her clothes.

C.C heads to the academy and luckily, some guys volunteered to lead her at the swimming pool of the school. The place is packed with a lot of people. C.C makes her way to the changing room.

After registering her name, Milly starts the game.

"Welcome, everyone!!! The contestants for today's competition are all girls. It only means that each of them are aiming for the first prize; free pizza for a week, free cheese-kun merchandise and most of all, a date with any member of the student council. Now, contestants, please go to your respective lane," Milly announces.

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