Chapter 26: The First Contractor II

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Losing track of C.C made Kallen grumpy. She wanted what the Pizza Girl is up to but she lost the chance to do so. She decided, then, to go and see Lelouch for her to ask why the immortal witch is wandering off again.

When she's at the gate of Lelouch's house, Kallen is hesitating on ringing the doorbell. She slowly lifts her shaking hand while looking at the doorbell.

She gulped and thought, "Would it be okay to visit him? But what if suspicions will rise?"

With her mind a mess, she blushed like hell when a picture of her and Lelouch in his room alone appeared in her mind. "What the hell am I thinking? Am I becoming a pervert?!"

Still doubting to whether ring the doorbell or not, someone came and looks at Kallen's weird expressions.

With a giggle, Nunally asked, "Are you going to press the doorbell?"

Kallen flinched upon hearing her. She composes herself and spoke, "Uhm... Is Le-le-le... Is your bro-brother home?"

Nunally giggles once again with Kallen's embarassment of mentioning his brother's name.

"He's in his room," she replies as she opens the gate for the red-haired girl to enter. "You're cute, Kallen."

"Not really," replied Kallen. "You're cute."

"Please make yourself at home," says Nunally as she let Kallen in at the living room. "I will go and call Lelouch."

"Thank you."

Lelouch is currently lying down on his bed trying to relax himself from the stressful events he had been through for the past few days. But his time of relaxation is disturbed by his beloved sweet sister who knocked on his door.

"Lelouch, someone came to visit you," she says. "She's waiting at the living room."

Upin hearing the she word, Lelouch got up immediately and replied, "Tell her I'll be there."

Lelouch could hear the small and faint footsteps of Nunally walking away from his room.

"Could that be C.C?" he asked himself. "But that woman comes in my room even if she didn't ask permission. I wonder who could that be."

As he makes his way to the living room, Lelouch could hear the faint noise coming from the living room. Nunally seems to be entertaining the guest while he is still absent.

Upon arriving, he is quite shocked to see Kallen sitting with his sister. He clears his throat for the two girls to notice his presence. Nunally stands up and left the two so they could talk privately.

"So, what brought you here?" asks Lelouch as he sits across Kallen.

"I saw Pizza Girl a while back and she seems to be doing something," Kallen replies. "By any chance, did you send her on a mission?"

"No, I didn't. Did you see her together with anyone?" Lelouch asks even though he knew the answer to his question. He may be hoping that C.C is alone and isn't with any other guy.

"Yes," Kallen replied. "If she's not on a mission, then it's unnecessary for her to roam around especially with some stranger."

"I get what you want but you know that girl," Lelouch says, "once she wants something, she'll do everything to get it. It would be hard to look for her and stop her."

While Lelouch and Kallen are cracking their minds on how to confine the immortal witch, the subject of their topic is currently eating pizza with Mao.

"If only you told me you're hungry, we could have gone to a better place to eat," says Mao as he watches her eat.

"No, this place is the best," C.C replied. But after eating the whole pizza, her expression became serious which is a bad sign for Mao.

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