Chapter 36: New Geass User

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Lelouch was currently reading a book and he was startled when the sleeping green-haired witch suddenly sit up.

"A nightmare?" the raven-haired guy asked as he looks at the now awakened lady.

"No," CC replied. "This is bad."

"What is?"

"A new user has signed a contract. It would be bad news," the witch replied.

"And who is this new user?" the former prince asked.

"That? I still don't know. I just felt something wrong."

"Are you sure?" Lelouch asked. "You might be mistakened, maybe you just had a nightmare."

"My instincts are always right, boya," CC smirked. "You should be lucky to have me."

The green-haired witch stood up and heads for the shower.

"You better get ready or else that new user might lead you to your downfall," she warned before closing the door.

"A new user, huh?" Lelouch muttered to himself with a smirk.

After a while, CC came out and saw Lelouch taking off his contact lense. She could clearly see the sign of the sigil on both of his eyes.

"Want some new ones?" she asked but Lelouch shook his head.

"No, I actually wanted to remove these and never cover them," the former prince replied.

"You couldn't do that," CC reminded him. "You could only do that when you're with me alone. If you---"

"Use it too much, it will go out of control," Lelouch continued.

"Hmmmm," CC mumbled with a smirk. "Is Lelouch being a good student right now?"

CC ran a finger down from the prince's cheek down to his chin. Her legendary smirk was plastered on her face which made Lelouch irritated in no time. He looked at her in the eyes and CC stared at those purple eyes tinted with the sigil of the geass.

"Don't tease me," he said," It is not working anymore."

CC stopped her childish play and sat beside Lelouch. The raven-haired guy suddenly remembered his sudden outburst before. He remembered the time when he got mad at the witch when she talked about his mother.

"Hey," he called out,"Back then, you mentioned my mother, what does she got to do with this?"

"You're curious now, huh," CC continued her teasing.

"I'm being serious here," he complained. "You got to answer me seriously."

"What if I tell you that she isn't dead?" the witch asked as she looks at him directly on the eyes.

She could see the confusion in his eyes. And it amused her. A smirk was formed on her lips.

"What if I tell you that you would be going against her when you fight the emperor?" she asked then. She could see how more confused Lelouch got as the time ticks.

"What if she will also be the one to crush you down?"

A long silence followed and CC is excited to know how Lelouch would react. She waited.

"That would be," Lelouch replied, " fun and interesting."

And this time, it was his turn to smirk. He looked at CC who was a bit surprised on his reply.

"If she is indeed alive, then that would make things more fun," he added. "It would feel great to destroy her alongside the emperor."

CC was taken aback with his response. It took a minute for her to process what her warlock had said. Just then, she smiled and turned her back away from him.

"That was unexpected," she said as she hugs her orange Cheese-kun. "

She laid her head once again on the lap of the raven-haired guy and closed her eyes.

"You've still got to prepare," she said. "There are still people out there who you are going against with."

After saying so, the green-haired witch drifted off to sleep. Lelouch went back on his book and read. Just then, a soft knock on the door was heard. Nunally slowly opened it and peeked.

"Time to eat, brother," she said and she suddenly covered her mouth when she saw CC sleeping on her brother's lap. "Sorry for disturbing."

"No," Lelouch replied. "I will be there in a minute. Start eating without me."

"Ok," Nunally whispered before closing the door slowly.

Lelouch carried CC onto his bed before leaving his room. Upon reaching the dining table, Nunally was smiling brightly at him.

"What?" he asked as he took his seat.

"It seems like I am about to have a sister-in-law," Nunally said with a mischievious smile.

"Just eat," Lelouch replied. "Don't even think about that."


"You have signed the contract," VV said, "So you must fight alongside us."

"If that is the only thing I could do in exchange, then I will," Suzaku replied.

"I'm leaving now," said VV as he turns his back away from him. "You could test your geass during your training."

VV left Suzaku alone.

Suzaku let out a heavy sigh before leaving as well.

"I hope my decision was right," he mumbled to himself.

While walking absentmindedly, he suddenly saw himself walking straight down the street and a fast running car is about to him. He suddenly stopped  on his track and he realized that he was about to reach the end of the street. He took a few steps back and a fast running car passed by.

"What just happened?" he mumbled to himself. He tried to rationalize what just happened. He has, in no way, the power to see the future.

Just then, he remembered VV.

"Geass," he thought. "That must be it."

He hurriedly went back to his training ground to confirm his new power. He felt the excitement heating up in his body. A smirk was plastered on his face, feeling the sudden surge of something new and great inside of him.

"I can finally be on par with Zero," he thought. "We both have geass now and we only need to use our wits and strength to know who is much better."

On his way, he passed by a green-haired witch. He smelled a familiar scent and he saw in his peripheral view the familiar limegreen hair color of the witch. He stopped on his track and looked back. He scanned the vicinity but he saw nothing.

He walked instead of running, he might bumped into her again and it would be his chance to interrogate her about Zero.

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