Chapter 16: Suzaku's Side

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An: This part is when Suzaku and C.C are together in the competition at the previous chapter. It tells the events that had happened with the two.

C.C walks to the left path and Suzaku followed. There is a comfortable silence between the two. Suzaku, who is so curious about the girl he's with, can't help but stare at her which the immortal witch noticed.

"If you want to say something, say it," she says as she slows down her pace to walk side by side with Suzaku.

"A-ah, sorry," Suzaku apologizes. "I'm just curious as to why you came here in Ashford."

"To have some fun," says the witch. "Probably."

"I see," is the only thing the guy responded.

After that, another silence followed. When the two made a turn, it was a dead end so they decided to go back and choose another path to take. C.C, who is walking in front of Suzaku, felt a string being pulled by her heel.

"What's wrong?" asks Suzaku when C.C stops and looks back.

"I think a string is stuck on my heel," replies the girl. Suzaku notices a transparent string and a realization hits him.

"A trap!" he immediately says and grabs C.C, worrying that something might happen. They both ducked with Suzaku hugging the immortal witch but when they open their eyes, they are trapped. A large bush blocks their only way to exit.

"You smell nice," C.C commented when she smells his scent.

"Th-thanks," Suzaku replies, blushing. He turns his back away from her to hide his blushing face.

"Maybe there's some kind of switch to return it to normal," Suzaku says as he starts looking on the ground while trying to forget what C.C said.

C.C decides to help him but she got an idea, a faster way to escape.

"Suzaku," she calls out the attention of the guy. "Why don't you just lift me up on the top and I will pull you up after. It's faster that way."

"I guess you're right," says Suzaku.

He puts his hands behind his back and clasped his hands open so C.C could step on it.

"Step on my hands and when I stand straight, you could step on my shoulders until you can reach the top," he instructed which C.C immediately followed.

"Give me your hand," says the witch who already reached the top. She holds out her hand which Suzaku accepted. They are able to escape from the first trap they encountered but the second one was really surprising.

"I wonder if Lelouch and Kallen are okay," Suzaku says. "Lelouch isn't that physically fit so I'm quite worried."

"I'm sure they're doing great," C.C responded. "Anyway, I heard you are one of the rookies that excel at piloting knightmares."

"That's not really true, I guess," replies Suzaku. "I'm still learning."

"Ah, I see," C.C simply responded. "I bet you give it your all on your training."

"How'd you know?"

"I feel like that's the kind of person you are," C.C replies which made him blush a little.

"Is that so?" are the only words that came out from the guy's mouth. "Just how could this girl make a guy blush without acting cute?"

"Man up, you weakling!!"

"I think that's Kallen," says Suzaku. "Let's join up with them."

When the two see Kallen and Lelouch, they stood up for a while, stunned.

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