Chapter 31: CC's Past

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Lelouch flops on the bed upon arriving at his quarters in the Southern Island. CC, on the other hand, is changing her clothes. As usual, she used Lelouch's blouse and her long and slender legs are bare. And being the unusual guy as he is, Lelouch isn't fazed by it.

"So, how's your girlfriend doing?" she asks as she props herself beside the raven-haired guy.

"What girlfriend are you talking about?" Lelouch grumbled while his face is burrowed on his pillow.

"Come on, stop beating around the bush, boya," CC teases as she twirls some strands of Lelouch's hair on her finger. "Just be careful, she might find out that you're Zero. There's a probability that she'll break up with you."

"I'm being more cautious, witch," Lelouch replies. "Just go to sleep. I'm tired."

Lelouch snatched the blanket and covers himself. CC smirks before facing the opposite side and covering herself with blanket. She knew that she's irritating the prince which is entertaining for her.

"Tired of kissing your girlfriend?" she teases even more as she closes her eyes to sleep. Lelouch lifts his head, grabs his pillow and hits CC on the head.

"Stop prying on my private life, witch," he says before placing his pillow back Under his head. "And go to your room."

CC opens her eyes in a flash and gets out of bed. That startled Lelouch because for the first time, the green-haired witch followed what he said. He was about to drift to sleep but he was awakened by the opening of the door.

"Don't think you'll sleep alone in this room," CC says. She lays down on the bed and props Cheese-kun beside her.

Few minutes passed by and Lelouch hadn't fallen asleep yet.

"CC," he called out.

"Don't worry, your girlfriend will soon move on from her father's death," CC replies as if she already knows what the guy is going to ask.

"That's not what I'm asking, witch," Lelouch said with gritted teeth. "Why did I even bother to try asking her?"

"What is it then?" she mumbles.

"I haven't used my geass for quite long from now, is there a chance that it won't be permanent anymore?" he asks as he shifts his position, now facing CC.

CC also shifted position but she placed Cheese-kun between her and Lelouch.

"There's no chance anymore," she replies. "Once it becomes permanent, it will be like that unless you will take my immortality."

"I see," Lelouch simply said. "Anyway, on our next move, I'm going to put Cornelia under my control."

"You could do that but are you sure?" CC asks. "She's your sister."

"She's not my sister, Nunally is," the raven-haired guy retorted.

"Just as you say, boya," she simply says and tries to get back to sleep again.

The two drifted to sleep but Lelouch woke up during midnight upon feeling that something is going on. He looks at his side where CC is. He was shocked for a moment upon seeing her crying.

"Is she having a nightmare?" he muttered to himself. "I should wake her up."

"CC," he said as he shakes her shoulder lightly. Without his knowledge, CC's geass activated. He suddenly found himself on a wide farm. He saw a little girl wearing some ragged clothes and walking towards somewhere as if reaching out for help. She has dirty face and dry lips, she seems to be thirsty.

Lelouch was startled when the little girl fell on her knees. He ran towards her and tried helping her.

"Are you okay?" he asks but was shocked because he couldn't hold the little girl as if she was just an illusion. he tried once again to touch her but it didn't work.

"It's no use," a familiar voice said. "That was in the past and you couldn't change it."

Lelouch turns around and sees CC standing behind him.

"CC," he mutters. "Where are we?"

"I don't like to admit it but you're inside my memories," the witch replied.

Lelouch took time to process what is happening and after that, he came to a realization.

"Is this your past?" he asks as he watches the little girl crying on the ground. CC  didn't respond, well, he expected that much because CC never wanted to talk about her past.

In all of a sudden, everything changed. They are now inside a huge hall, a lot of noblemen and noblewomen are around wearing their best clothes. It was a grand party which Lelouch didn't give much attention to since he knew what it feels like to be in such a party. As he looks around, he spotted a green-haired woman in a Victorian-style dress. Her hair is put up really well while few strands of her hair are left hanging near her ears. She's holding a fan which she uses to cover half of her face. She was with a nobleman and they're surrounded by people.

"Who is that guy with you?" Lelouch asks CC who is just beside him.

"I've forgotten," she simply replied while staring at her old self. "All I could remember was this was one of the times I've used my first geass. I've wanted to be loved by everyone and it happened with the aid of my geass. It was grand and everything seems perfect. But having everyone to love and like you made my world boring. I got tired of it."

Lelouch couldn't say a thing. He was, then, startled when the scene is becoming distorted.

In a blink of an eye, the scenery changed. They are now inside a church. The moon was out that night and it was shining brightly. Lelouch saw a corpse of a nun in front of a devastated CC. The sign of the sigil was shining on her forehead.

"Was this the time you got your immortality?" he asks, expecting the witch to reply to him this time.

"You're right," CC replies. She noticed the sadness and pain in Lelouch's eyes. "Don't feel pity on me, Lelouch."

Lelouch looks at CC and the scenery changed once more. It changed faster, it was as if he was watching a slideshow of pictures of the past of the witch. He saw her being burned on the stake, her face showed pain. She saw her being stabbed right on her heart. He even saw her being decapitated. He clenched his fist.

"She has gone through a lot of pain and sorrow," he thought. "No wonder she wants to die."

He was about to talk but was shocked when he heard a familiar voice. He turns away from CC and sees the young Suzaku and him running in the forest. He looks around and sees CC watching the two.

"That's enough," CC  suddenly said. "You've seen too much."

With a snap, a bright light blinded Lelouch. When he opens his eyes, they're now in his room, both laying down on the bed.

"It's better for you to forget all what you've seen," CC says before going back to sleep.

"Easy for you to say," Lelouch thought. They both drifted back to sleep as if nothing happened. The next day is a big day for the Black Knights.

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