Chapter 19: Doubts and Realizations

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Zero is in his quarters at their hideout. He's thinking of another plan to save the immortal witch.

"If we attack sooner, I am sure that Prince Schneizel is ready to ambush us," Lelouch thought. "Should we postpone saving C.C? But what if they'll do something to change her? How am I supposed to save her if she's hidden somewhere under the Britannian Hall? I've never heard of the Britannian Special Laboratory before. I can't just let her be at the hands of Prince Schneizel. No matter what, we're at a disadvantage here since we're outnumbered and not to mention the ordinary knightmares we have. Our only hope is the Gawain but it won't be enough to take on the royalties."

Lelouch takes a deep breath before standing to go and get a book.

"Should I create a distraction before directly going to that laboratory?" Lelouch thought while searching for the book he needs. "But what if Schneizel realizes my goal to distract him? Argh, I can't seem to think straight right now."

While browsing a book, a piece of paper fell out from the pages. Lelouch stops and picks it up. It was a picture of him and C.C but he doesn't remember when it was taken.

"Is this from decades ago?" he guessed. "If only C.C didn't erase my memories about the past, I could've done something about her situation."

Lelouch comes back to his senses when someone knocks on his door. He looks at the computer and sees Kallen. He takes a deep breath before deciding to open the door.

"Do you need something?" he asks as he lets the girl inside.

Kallen sees the piles of papers and books laid on the table. From that, she knows how desperate Lelouch is on saving the green-haired woman.

"I came to talk about something," Kallen replies as she sits down. Lelouch sits across her and nods, letting her talk.

"What is your real purpose in rebelling against your own family?" she asks. "You are a prince of the Britannian Empire, are you deceiving us?"

"I was a prince. The emperor abandoned me and my sister after my mother died. And now, they're planning to take over Japan. I won't let them succeed. I won't let them harm my sister," replies Lelouch. "Believe me or not, I am not deceiving you."

"Then, I won't doubt you again," says Kallen. "But if I find out that you're fooling around, I will kill you myself."

Kallen heads to the door but she stops and tightens her grip on the doorknob.

"What about C.C? I know she's your right hand-in-command so you want to save her. But do you only see her as an accomplice or is there something more than that?" she asks without looking at Lelouch. "You treat her more special than the rest of us. So, are you saving her as an accomplice or as her lover?"

"I don't know why you're asking that but C.C is an important accomplice of mine," replies Lelouch. "She had and has been a great help to me so I can't let her be on the hands of Prince Schneizel."

Without saying anything, Kallen takes her leave. She heads to her quarters still doubting how Lelouch feels about the green-haired witch.

"If she's just an accomplice,then why do you look so sad and scared when she's not here?" Kallen asks as if Lelouch is in front of her. "You're even holding a picture of you and that woman. Just an accomplice, my ass!! You're such a big liar!"

On the other hand, Lelouch is still caught up in planning how to save the immortal witch.

"I wonder why Kallen suddenly asked about my relationship with C.C," Lelouch asks himself. "I'm sure C.C feels the same way. We're just accomplice and it won't be nothing more than that."

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