The Truth

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After class, Lelouch decided to bring Shirley home so he could watch over her. But as he looks around, Shirley isn't around.

"Looking for Shirley?" Suzaku asked and he simply nodded in response. "I saw her took her exit from school just a minute ago. If you run now, you might be able to catch up with her."

Lelouch thanked him before rushing out from the school. He looked at the street leading to Shirley's house but he didn't see her.

He brought out his phone and dialed her number. After a few rings, she answered.

"What is the matter, Lulu?" Shirley asked.

"Where are you right now?" Lelouch asked instead of answering her question.

"I am at the bookstore at the mall," she replied. "Why?"

"Wait for me, I'll take you home," he replied before hanging up.

Shirley blushed with the sudden change of event. She wore a smile brighter than the sun brightly shining outside.

While scanning at the books in front of her, Mao appeares behind her.

"It seems you're having a good time with the killer," he said with his creepy smile.

"I'm sorry sir but I have no idea what you're talking about," Shirley politely replied. She decided to leave Mao but he stopped her.

"Have you forgotten the killer of your father?" Mao asked which made Shirley stop on her tracks.

Of course she did not forget about it. The pain still lingers and she is doing her best to cope up with the pain.

"You see, the person you trust the most is actually the person you should not be trusting," Mao pointed out. "Lelouch, yes, that guy you like is hiding something from you. It would be impossible for you to believe me if I tell you that he is Zero."

Shirley faced him with a death glare and a sour look on her face.

"You do not know what you are talking about," she said.

"Well, why don't you come with me and see it for yourself?" Mao provoked.

Shirley simply let out a heavy sigh before turning her back. Before she could walk away, Mao showed her a picture of Zero who almost took off his mask.

"Look at his dark hair and his physical features, aren't they familiar? If you want to see more proof, simply call me," Mao initiated as he flips the photo with his number written on it. "Keep the photo."

Mao left Shirley astounded. She stared at the photo and she doesn't know how long she looked at it.

"Shirley," she heard Lelouch called out. She immediately hid the photo.

"Lulu," she nervously said. "Why'd you want to take me home?"

"I just want to be with you to make up the time I have been busy with other things," Lelouch replied which made her blush in no time.

"I already bought the books I wanted," she informed.

"Then, let's go home together," Lelouch replied.

The two of them heads home like they used to before. But Shirley kept on thinking about what Mao had shown her. She is intrigued because she couldn't deny the fact that the hair, physique and the posture of Zero at the picture is the same with Lelouch.

"Hey," Lelouch called out to her. "You're spacing out, airhead."

"I am simply happy that we get to go home together again," Shirley replied with a chuckle.

"We're here," Lelouch pointed out as they reach the Fenette household. "I'll come and fetch you tomorrow. Let's go to school together."

"Ok, thank you," Shirley replied. "Be careful on your way home."

Lelouch bid goodbye before leaving. Shirley once again looked at the picture of Zero but she shook her head.

"Lelouch wouldn't do such a thing," she convinced herself. "He is a nice person."

When Lelouch got home, CC is currently on the living room with Nunally, folding origami together.

"CC, we have to talk," he said as he makes his way to his room. Upon entering, CC isn't following so he added , "Privately."

CC simply nodded at Nunally before leaving her alone. She struts her way into his room and finds him half-naked.

"So, what is so important  you have to tell?" she asked as she flops on the bed which looks like she is enjoying the view.

"I need your help in killing Mao," he said as he puts a shirt on. "You see, he will become a threat in the future so I have to remove him before that happens."

"You've got a plan?" CC asked.

"Yes," Lelouch replied. "And you're a part of it."

That night, as Lelouch explains his plan, Shirley, on the other hand, has dialled the number of Mao. She asked him if they could meet up that very moment. Mao happily obliged.

Shirley puts on her warm jacket and got the picture. She clenched her fist to gather her courage and to ready herself on whatever outcome she'll find out later.

She went to the bus station where Mao is waiting for her. He smiled at her and she simply nodded. The two of them went to the hotel where Mao is currently staying. They stood quiet the whole time as they enter a dark room. Mao turned on the lights and Shirley saw lots of papers on the desk and a lot of pictures pinned on the board.

She scanned each picture and saw the events when the Black Knights had their attacks. On one picture, she studied it carefully. She suddenly remembered the time Princess Cornelia acknowledged the bravery of her father.

On the picture, Princess Cornelia was there on her knightmare frame and another pummeled knightmare frame on her side. Even though she only saw it once, she knew that the knightmare frame was her father's. Her tears unceasingly dropped. Mao smiled at the the progress of his plan.

"You very well know that Zero was the one who killed your father, wasn't it?" he asked with a grin. "Why don't you look at the pther pictures to figure out the identity of Zero?"

Shirley braced herself. She clenched her fists and let out an exhale with her eyes closed. She steadied her breathing even though she could feel her heart beating faster.

She opens her eyes once more and proceed to look at the pictures. But she got confused. She only saw the fights of the Black Knights against the Britannian soldiers. And some pictures of Lelouch at the school.

"This doesn't make sense," she said, breaking the silence in the room. "IT doesn't show any proof that Lelouch is Zero.

"Look closer, girl," Mao replied as he points at the picture of the arrival of Prince Clovis.

"This time, Lelouch wasn't with you, right?" he asked. "And even this time, and this."

"And aren't you wondering why he has not been around for the past few weeks? Haven't you asked yourself why he had been away from school?"

Mao suddenly pointed at the picture of the green-haired woman.

"And this person, aren't you curious as to why she is always around Lelouch?" he asked.

Shirley wanted to convince herself that Lelouch was simply sick during those times and the woman with greenhair is simply one of his admirers. But she is starting to doubt now.

"Show me a picture showing Lelouch and Zero is only one. I am not convinced by these hypotheses of yours," she bravely said. She wanted to believe on Lelouch, not on anyone else.

But Mao, who had a card up his sleeve, smiled in triumph. He flipped a picture and showed it to her.

Shirley grabbed it from him and ran out of the hotel as fast as she could, leaving Mao laughing evilly. Her tears overflowed. She felt betrayed. She felt weak. But her feelings and trust with Lelouch are still strong enough to keep her emotions at bay. But still, everything won't be the same as before.

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