Chapter 4: Shirley Fenette

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"Lulu, stop sleeping. We're in the middle of discussion," said Shirley as she pinches the cheeks of the prince.

"I didn't have enough sleep last night so I have to sleep," replied Lelouch.

"Hey, would you suggest something on where we could place the other clues for the treasure hunting?" Milly said as she puts her hand on her hip.

"Wait, I will think for a moment," said Lelouch. He puts his elbow down on the table and his hand on his face. His position seems like he's thinking seriously that's why they waited for his answer.

What they don't know is that he is sleeping. After a while, Shirley noticed this, thus, she goes close to him and slams both of her hands on the table which startles Lelouch, waking him up from his slumber.

"Lulu, please cooperate for now," she says.

Lelouch gazes at her yellowish-green eyes and sighs.

"Okay," he replies.

"Oooohhh... What's this??? Another progress???" Milly teases the two of them which made Shirley blush. She turns her back away from Lelouch.

"W-what are you talking about??" Shirley defends with her hands folded.

"Don't be shy, we all know about your relationship. It's progressing, right?" Milly teases even more. Shirley is about to retort but Lelouch speaks up first.

"You could say that," the raven-haired guy says while writing on a piece of paper.

His reply made Shirley blush even more and she couldn't even say a word or looks at the others.

Milly grins and pats the shoulder of Shirley.

"Oh, I see. It is progressing," she says. "Mind telling me more in details about that progress?"

"Here's my suggestions," Lelouch interrupted. "I'm going out for some business. See you tomorrow."

Upon leaving the piece of paper on the table, Lelouch left the room.

"Stop him, Shirley," Rivalz says but Shirley couldn't stop blushing and she's still at a loss of words.

"Seems she's still processing what had happened a while ago," says Kallen who was watching the two from the beginning.

"Ahahaha, that can't be helped. She's a girl in love," Milly says while looking at the piece of paper Lelouch left.

"What does he mean by that??? Does he also like me??? But there are lots of girls out there more beautiful than I am. He could choose among a lot of more suitable girls around him. How could he choose a clumsy girl like me?" Shirley's mind isn't as quiet and composed like usual.

"It would be really nice if we have mutual feelings," she thought which made her blush slightly.

While walking home, Shirley notices a girl passed by behind her back. She looks back and didn't see the girl's face but she recognizes the lime-green hair. She follows C.C and calls out to her.


C.C looks back with her usual uninterested look on her face.

"Are you going home already?" she asks.

"Nope, I'm going to eat dinner," C.C replies. The two walks side-by-side as they talk.

"Huh? Where? Shouldn't you eat dinner at home??" Shirley asks.

"Pizza Hut," C.C replies as she walks across the road going to the Pizza Hut store.

Shirley watches the lime-green haired girl enter the store. She couldn't go with her since  she has to go home early to do house chores.

Upon reaching home, Shirley sees her parents seating at the large sala discussing something.

"I'm home," Shirley says.

"Welcome back, my dear," her mother replies.

"I will cook dinner after I change," says Shirley before going upstairs. "I'll do the laundry afterwards."

"Okay, dear. Don't forget to do your homework," her mom reminds her.

Shirley changes into her home clothes and heads to the kitchen afterwards. After cooking, she heads to the laundry room. While working, she couldn't help but remember what Lelouch said at the student council room.

"Winter will be here soon. What could I give Lulu? I really want to ask him what he meant. I really do wish that he also like me," Shirley thought.

Afterwards, she goes back to her room and brings out an orange notebook and a pen.

"I guess I have something interesting to write today," she says to herself upon opening her diary.

Before falling into a deep slumber, a smile is plastered on her face.

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